For fun, I've added a few Victorian trade cards advertising pharmacological cures promoted for various maladies.
I did not change or edit any spelling or grammer. I left this is as it was written.

This article is for information purposes only. 
It defines allegedly tried-and-true remedies used and recommended by mothers in U.S. and Canada. I find these types of literature fascinating.
This article IS NOT intended as medical advice or recipes you should try.

From what I can tell from reading some of the remedies of the day, and chemicals recommended, i wouldn't experiment on a human being, without a professional medical practitioner to verify safety of the ingreients. 
Some suggestions are safe, and still in use today, as home remedies. Some sound just plain bizarre to me. Like concoctions containing alcohol, borax, kerosene, turpentine, benzene and other chemicals I wouldn't dare make my family take or apply these. Hemlock is absolutely out of the question. Chloroform in an oil spray in the nose is just not going to happen. Although I am somewhat amused by the fact that it probably introduces quiet around the house.

The oddities and herbals are the reasons i wanted to create this page. There are also home remedies mentioned in this book, derived from herbs that are quite curative, valid and valued as medicines today.

**Many of the herbal remedies listed in this publication are still in use, and are said to be safe and effective. But don't take just anyone's word for it.

Bunions, Remedy from Your Flower Garden

"Peel the outside skin from the leaf of 'Live Forever' and apply as a poultice. Repeat until cured. This is a very good remedy and one that should be tried if you are troubled with bunions or corns." 

Canker Sores

Canker Sore Mouth, Raspberry Leaf for.
—"Infuse a handful of raspberry leaves in a half pint of boiling water for fifteen minutes; when cold strain and add two ounces tinc. of myrrh, rinse the mouth with a little of it two or three times a day, swallow a little each time until relieved. This is also good for spongy gums, loose teeth, bad breath and for gently correcting and cleansing the stomach."

Oak Bark Tea for.—"Red Oak bark, a little salt and pepper." The bark should be boiled down to make a good strong tea, according to age of person. The salt has an astringent effect upon the mouth and is also a good antiseptic. The pepper should not be used when the parts are very red and inflamed. It should be used only when they are rather sluggish.

Weed Tea for.—"Apply canker weed found in the woods. A small plant with dark green leaves spotted with white." Make a tea of the canker weed by steeping it, then strain and apply to the affected parts. This is a very good remedy.


1. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Mustard and Molasses for.—"Mustard is an excellent household remedy kept in every home. A tablespoonful of white mustard mingled with two ounces of molasses and then taken once a day will act gently on the bowels and is a beneficial remedy in dyspepsia." By acting upon the bowels it relieves the stomach of any food that may have caused a disturbance and relieves the dyspepsia.

2. Flatulent Dyspepsia, Wormwood tea for.—"Wormwood, one to two teaspoonfuls, water one pint. Make a tea and take from one to four teaspoonfuls daily." This is an old tried remedy and one that should be given a trial if affected with dyspepsia.

3. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Dry salt for.—"One-half teaspoon dry salt taken before each meal. Knew a gentleman who was nearly worn out with this trouble and entirely cured himself with this simple remedy." It is always well to give these simple remedies a fair trial, before resorting to strong drugs. Salt is a good stimulant.

4. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Chicken Gizzard Skin for.—"Four ounces good brandy, one-fourth pound of loaf sugar, one tablespoonful pulverized chicken gizzard skin, one teaspoonful Turkish rhubarb dried on paper stirring constantly; this prevents griping; the chicken gizzard skin is the lining of the gizzard which should be thoroughly cleaned and dried then pulverized. To prepare put brandy and sugar together (crush the sugar), light a paper and set fire to the brandy; let burn until sugar is dissolved, then add the gizzard skin and rhubarb, stir together and if too thick add a little water and boil up. Dose :—Infant, one-half teaspoonful every four hours; child, one teaspoonful every four hours; adult, one tablespoonful every four hours. Have used this remedy for a great many years and given it to a great many people who have worn out all other remedies."

SORE THROAT (Acute Pharyngitis—Acute Pharyngeal Catarrh—- Inflammation of the Pharynx—Simple Angina).
—This is a common complaint especially among some adults. A predisposition to it is often due to chronic pharyngitis, chronic enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids of the wall of the pharynx as well as chronic nasal obstruction. Rheumatic persons are especially subject to it and acute articular rheumatism is often observed to be preceded by an attack of pharyngitis. Tonsilitis is said to have the same influence also.

Symptoms.—The throat is dry and feels stiff. There may be tenderness at the angle of the jaw and outside of the neck. Pains some to swallow. In a day or two there is a mucous secretion, making the patient inclined to clear the throat by hawking or coughing. The throat looks red and in the early stage this is more noticeable on the anterior pillars of the fauces, the soft palate and uvula. On the back wall you see bright red spots, the inflamed lymph follicles. It usually gets well in two to seven days. It may become chronic after repeated acute attacks.

Chronic.—This is very common in persons who smoke or drink to excess, also people who use their voice in public speaking as preachers do, or in calling loudly as hucksters, railroad brakemen, stationmen, etc.

Prevention of chronic kind.—Ascertain the cause and remove it. Too hot food or too much spiced food cause the chronic kind. Rest the voice. Remove any existing catarrh.

Prevention of acute kind.—Avoid undue exposure to cold and wet, wear warm comfortable flannel underwear. Bath the neck and chest daily with cold water. This is good cold preventive. The wearing of handkerchiefs, mufflers, around the neck is injurious unless you are driving. Accustom your neck to the cold from the beginning in the fall and winter months. Wearing a full beard is said to be a good preventive.


1. Sore throat, Used for Years Successfully.—"Salt pork dipped in hot water then covered thick with black pepper. Heat in the oven and lay or bind on the throat or lungs. This has been a favorite remedy with us for years." Sew the pork to a piece of cotton cloth and bind over the sore parts after you have sprinkled the pork with salt and pepper. Leave this on as long as the patient can endure it. When the pork is removed, rub the affected parts with cold cream or vaselin and put a clean muslin cloth on to keep person from taking cold.

2. Sore throat, Splendid Liniment for.—

"Olive oil 1/2 pint
Ammonia 1/2 pint
Turpentine 1/2 pint
One egg.
Shake till it forms emulsion. This can be used as a blister.

This is a very effective remedy, but you must watch the throat very carefully as this will blister quickly. After removing the liniment, grease the parts with oil or cold cream.

3. Sore throat, Simple Gargle for.—

"Soda 1 teaspoonful
Salt 1 teaspoonful
Borax 1 teaspoonful
Dissolve in pint of warm water; use as a gargle frequently."

This is a very good gargle. It contracts the parts and acts as an antiseptic and thoroughly cleanses the parts.

4. Sore throat, Home Made salve for.-

"Beeswax 1 ounce
Rosin 1 ounce
Camphor gum 1 ounce
Lard about the size of an egg."

Mix the above ingredients together and apply to the outside of the throat. This causes the skin to become red thus drawing the inflammation out of the throat and relieving the trouble.

5. Sore Throat, Cold Packs, Sure Cure for

"Put cold packs on the throat. Gargle with very hot water and a little soda. This makes it very effective.

6. Sore Throat, Ointment for

Oil Turpentine 1/2 ounce
Oil of Hemlock 1/2 ounce
Oil of Peppermint 1/2 ounce
Oil of Encaliptus 1/2 ounce
Mix with one cup warm lard, apply warm to the throat."

7. Sore Throat, Remedy from a mother in Johnson City, Tenn.—"Fat meat stewed in vinegar and bound to the neck.

8. Sore Throat, Gargle and Local Application for

Common salt 2 tablespoonfuls
Strained honey 2 tablespoonfuls
Vinegar 3 tablespoonfuls
Camphor 1/2 teaspoonful

Use as a gargle. External applications, wring a cloth out of salt and cold water and keep it quite wet, bind tightly about the neck and cover with a dry cloth. It is best to use this at night."

9. Mild Sore Throat, Vinegar Gargle for.—"Gargle with vinegar and hot water. This will help to sooth the irritation and in a mild sore throat is a sure cure."

10. Sore Throat, Alum and Vinegar for.—"One glass of warm water; one tablespoonful of vinegar; one teaspoonful of sugar; one-half teaspoonful of alum; dissolve well and gargle throat several times daily."

11. Sore Throat, Kerosene for
Dip a flannel cloth in coal oil, (kerosene) and bind on the throat. I have tried this; in fact it is what I always use. It is almost sure to cure."

12. Sore Throat and Cough, Remedy always at hand.—"Equal parts of alcohol and glycerin make a good gargle, or use three tablespoonfuls of vinegar and one of salt to a tumbler of water. Or simply hot water and salt when nothing else is to be had. The hot water alone is very good."

13. Tickling in Throat, Simple Remedy for
Take bread crumbs and swallow them."

COLDS. (Coryza. Acute Nasal Catarrh. Acute Rhinitis).
—This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose.

Causes.—Exposure to cold or wet when the body is overheated; sudden or extreme changes in the atmosphere; inhaling irritating fumes or dust.

Symptoms.—A chilly feeling, limbs ache, tendency to sneeze, severe headache above the nose, eyes are dry, stopped-up feeling in the nostrils. Then there is a thin watery discharge, usually of an irritating character, very thin at first, but it soon becomes thicker; sometimes the ears ring (tinnitus). The nose and lining is red and swollen.

Mothers' Remedies
1. Colds. Borax for Cold Settled in Throat.
"For a cold in the throat, dissolve a piece of borax, the size of a pea, in the mouth and don't talk. It will work like a charm." This is an old and well tried remedy and is very good for colds or sore throat. It acts by contracting the tissues and in that way there is less congestion in the parts.

2. Colds, Valuable Caution and Treatment for.—Mrs. Maxwell, of Cleveland, writes in the Cleveland Press as follows: "If you intend to treat the cold yourself, take it up at the outset. Don't wait for it to develop. To break it up, nothing is better than the full hot bath at bed time, or the foot bath with mustard, followed by a hot drink. It is old-fashioned, but scientific, for nine colds out of ten are due to clogged pores. 

Benjamin Franklin said a hundred years ago that all colds come from impure air, lack of exercise, and over-eating, and nobody has ever bettered his conclusion. Even contagious colds will not be taken if the bodily resistance is kept at par. More fresh air, less grip. Avoid people who have colds, and keep out of badly ventilated rooms. Stuffy street cars are responsible for half the hard colds, not because people get chilled, but because the air is foul. And when you have a cold keep away from the baby. If the baby takes a cold, let it have medical attention at once. Don't experiment upon it with remedies intended for grown-ups."

3. Colds, Molasses-Vinegar Syrup for.—"One-half cup of molasses, butter the size of a hickory nut, one tablespoon vinegar, boil together. Dose: One teaspoonful or less as the case requires. Take often until relieved." This is an old remedy and a good one.

4. Colds, Quinine and Ginger for.—"Give plenty of quinine and drink hot water with ginger in it." Quinine, as we all know, is an old remedy for colds and therefore we all know how it acts. The ginger warms up the system and produces sweating. Care should be taken when using this remedy not to take cold, as the pores are all opened by the quinine.

5. Colds, Boneset for.—"Boneset tea steeped and drank cold cures a cold." Boneset simply acts by causing a better circulation in the system and in that way sweating is produced and we all know that a good sweat will usually cure a cold if taken in time.

6. Severe Cold or Threatened Consumption.—"One pint of molasses; one pint of vinegar; three tablespoonfuls of white pine tar; let this boil not quite half down; remove from the stove and let stand until next day; then take and skim tar off from the top, throwing tar away. Jar up and take as often as necessary. Spoonful every half to two hours."

7. Colds, Rock Candy Syrup for.—"Ten cents worth of rock candy; one pint of whisky; one pint of water; fifteen cents worth of glycerine; mix all together; this will syrup itself." Take one teaspoonful as often as necessary. This is excellent.

8. Colds, Skunk's Oil for.—"Skunk's oil has cured colds quickly by rubbing on chest and throat." The oil penetrates quickly and relieves the congestion. This remedy can always be relied upon.

9. Colds, Lemons and Mustard for.—"A hot lemonade taken on going to bed and put the feet in a hot mustard bath; taken in time will break up a cold." The idea of the foot bath is to equalize the circulation, as so many of our colds begin in the head and by drawing the blood from the head the congested parts of the head are relieved.

10. Colds and Cough, Hops or Catnip Poultice for.—"Hops or catnip put in little bags and steamed until hot, then placed on lungs and throat." This is a very good remedy, as the hot bags act as a poultice and draw the congestion from the diseased parts. It produces not only local, but general perspiration.

11. Colds, Honey for.—"Eat honey. I have tried this many times and it is very good." The honey is very soothing, but if a little hoarhound or lemon is added it would make it much more effective. This is a good remedy for children, as they most all like honey.

12. Colds, to Break Up at the Outset.—"To break up a cold soak the feet in hot water and drink all the cold water you can." This has been known to cure many severe colds if taken at the beginning.

13. Cold in the Chest, Mutton Tallow and Red Pepper for.—"If cold is in the chest, render enough mutton tallow for one cupful and add one teaspoonful of red pepper and rub on chest and apply a flannel to keep out the cold. This is an old-time remedy and a good one."

14. Colds, Lard and Turpentine for.—"Melt a half cupful of lard and add one and one-half teaspoonfuls of turpentine, rub on chest and apply flannel cloth."

15. Colds, Milk and Cayenne as a Preventive.—"Drink a glass of milk with a pinch of cayenne in it. This will warm the stomach and prevent headache."


1. Camphor and Vaseline Mixed, or Camphor and Cream, rubbed in the nose is good to stop the cold and soreness.

2. A few drops (two or three) of camphor taken internally every three hours will abort some colds, especially if the nose is all the time pouring out drops of water.

3. Aconite in small doses, one-tenth of a drop, every two hours is a splendid remedy at the beginning. My experience has shown me that aconite does better work in these small doses. Put one drop in ten teaspoonfuls of water and give one teaspoonful at a dose.

4. The following is good for a thick discharge: in oil spray.

Menthol 6 grains
Chloroform 5 drops
Camphor 5 grains
Liquid Alboline 2 ounces
Mix and make into a solution. Use in an atomizer, every two hours.

To cleanse the nostrils wash out each nostril gently with a solution made of one teaspoonful of listerine, or glyco-thymoline, or borolyptol, or one-quarter teaspoonful of common salt in a half glass of warm water. You can use a vaporizer and this solution:

Menthol 5 grains
Camphor 5 grains
Compound tincture benzoin 1 dram
Liquid Alboline 1 ounce
Mix and make solution and use frequently in a nebulizer.

Never snuff a solution into the nose, and do not blow the nose hard after using. Some of the solution or nasal discharge may be forced into the eustachian tube.

5. Lard or camphorated oil rubbed on the nose and throat twice a day is good.

6. To Restore the Loss of the Voice.—

Oil of wintergreen 2 drams
Lanolin or vaseline 1 ounce
Mix and rub on the throat at night and put on flannel until morning. This will relieve the loss of voice very promptly.

7. Put a quart of boiling water in a pitcher; add from two to four drams of the compound tincture of benzoin and inhale the hot vapor. 
Wrap both head and pitcher in a towel. This is very good for sore throat also.

8. Herb Teas for.Ginger tea, catnip, hoarhound, pennyroyal, etc.; hot, are all good to produce sweating and thus relieve cold.

9. From Dr. Ball, a London, England, Specialist.—

Menthol 30 grains
Eucalyptol 30 drops
Carbolic acid 2 drams
Rectified spirits of wine 1 dram
Mix thoroughly; a teaspoonful to be put into a pint (or less) of hot water and the steam to be inhaled through the nose for four or five minutes. This is useful in acute colds, especially in the later stages, and in chronic catarrh, etc.

10. When the stage is rather marked or prolonged, spray or syringe out the nose with tepid solution once or twice a day using the following:

Bicarbonate of soda 3 to 5 grains
Borax 3 to 5 grains
Tepid water 1 ounce
Use a spray, douche, or gargle in chronic catarrh and chronic pharyngitis. When you wish to use a large quantity, mix an equal quantity each of soda and borax and put a couple teaspoonfuls to each pint of warm water and use.

CATARRH. (Chronic Inflammation of the Nose, Chronic Rhinitis). 
Causes.— Frequent attacks of colds, irritating gases and dust, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, spurs on the septum (partition bone) or foreign bodies in the nose, like corn, beans, stone, etc.

Symptoms and Course.—There are alterations of the secretions: the amount varies in the same case at different times. Sometimes it is thin and watery, or thick, sticky mucus or this may alternate with more watery discharges. 
It may be mucus and pus or entirely pus. 
Frequently the secretions discharge into the throat and cause efforts to clear it by hawking and spitting. The secretion sometimes dries and forms crusts in the fore part of the turbinated bones and partition. 

Patients frequently pick the nose for this crust and ulceration may result at that point from its doing. Bleeding often occurs from picking the scales from the ulcers, and perforation of the partition may take place from extension of the ulceration. There is a feeling of stuffiness. There is some obstruction to breathing. If there is much thickness of the structures, nasal obstruction is a persistent symptom. Changed voice, mouth-breathing, etc., are noticed. A sensation of pain or weight across the bridge of the nose is sometimes complained of and this symptom is especially found associated with enlargement of the middle turbinated body on one or both sides, etc.

1. Catarrh, Successful remedy for.—- "Dissolve in one-half ounce olive oil as much camphor gum as it will take up. Moisten a little finger with the oil, rub into the nostrils and snuff well up into the head." The olive oil is very soothing to the diseased parts and the camphor contracts the swollen mucous membranes, thereby relieving the catarrh. This is an excellent remedy.

2. Catarrh, Cleansing Antiseptic Remedy for.—"Snuff about one teaspoonful of salt in cup of warm water every morning in nostrils. I have found this remedy simple but fine for catarrh and also having sleeping room well ventilated summer and winter will help in curing disease." This remedy will be found very effective in catarrh because it loosens up the secretions and cleanses the nose of the foul secretions and also has an antiseptic action. This can be used twice daily. Snuffing should be done very gently so as not to draw the water too far back.

3. Catarrh, Witch-Hazel for.—"Pond's extract applied with nose spray." Pond's extract is simply witch-hazel water and everyone knows that witch-hazel water is healing and soothing to the membranes of the nose. This may be used regularly twice a day.

4. Catarrh, Cure for.—

Menthol 10 grains
Camphor Gum 10 grains
Chloroform 10 drops
Fluid Alboline 8 ounces

Mix. Apply in the nasal cavities with alboline atomizer.

5. Catarrh of head, Mullein Leaves. Treatment, etc., for.—"Smoke dried mullein leaves and blow the smoke through the nose, and in addition to this, put a heaping tablespoonful of powdered borax in a quart of soft water; syringe this up in the nose, and in addition to both of the above, frequently inhale a mixture of two drams of spirits of ammonia, half a dram tincture of iodine and fifteen drops of carbolic acid; smoke the mullein, syringe the borax water and inhale the last mixture all as frequently as convenient and it frequently will cure if kept up faithfully."

6. Catarrh, Milk and Salt Wash for.—"Mix together one teaspoonful common salt, a teacupful milk, and half pint of warm water. Inject this into the nostrils three times a day. You may use the same quantity of borax in place of the salt, if you choose to do so."

7. Spray for.—After cleansing the nostrils with the solution the following soothing mild spray will be found of great benefit.

Menthol 5 grains
Camphor 5 grains
Liquid Alboline 2 ounces

Mix and make a solution. Use in an atomizer or nebulizer.

8. Powders for.—Antiseptic powders are also very useful in some cases, such as, compound stearate of zinc and boric acid, or compound stearate of zinc and alum or compound stearate of zinc and menthol. One or two drams is enough to buy at once as it is very light; always use it in a powder in the following way:

First take a long breath and while holding the breath, puff some of the powder into each nostril; then gently puff the breath out through each nostril. Do not snuff powder up the nose or use the powder-blower while breathing. If this is done, some will get into the pharynx and larynx and cause annoying coughing.

9. Solution for.—

Bicarbonate of soda 1/2 ounce
Borax 1/2 ounce
Salt 1/2 ounce
White sugar 1 ounce

Mix all. Half a teaspoonful to be dissolved in one-half tumbler of warm water; used with spray producer or a syringe.

10. Spray, for.—

Bicarbonate of soda 1-1/2 drams
Listerine 6 drams
Water 1 ounce

Use as a spray.

OZENA.—(Foul odor from nose, not breath, due to catarrh of the nose). The membrane is dry and shrunken. It is a very offensive odor, thus called "ozena."

Causes.—It is usually seen in people who are very much debilitated, in young factory girls, and sometimes in healthy boys. Retained secretions in the nose, usually cause the odor. These decompose and ferment. The nose is large and roomy, the nostrils are filled with scabby secretions; hard masses are formed which sometimes fill the nostril.


 1. Hay fever, Quick Relief from.
—"For hay fever and other slight forms of diseases which produce sneezing, there is no remedy more quickly effective, and often curative, than a vapor of heated salt and alcohol. Heat it very hot and breathe the vapor for ten minutes at a time, four or five times a day."

2. Hay fever, Remedy Worth Trying for.
"A mixture composed of ten grains of sulphate of zinc, half teaspoonful of borax, and about four ounces of rose water. This is very good to inject into the nostrils if there is much irritation of eyes and nostrils."

3. Hay fever, Our Canadian Remedy for.—
"Inhale smoke from ground coffee (sprinkle over coals). This relieved a case for me of five years standing."

4. Hay Fever, Medicine That Helps.
—"Use phenol sodique as directed on the bottles. This was recommended to me by Mrs. Levi Weller, who said her husband had found more relief from this remedy than any other he had tried."


1. Nosebleed; remedy sent us by a Public School Teacher.
"Make a compress of paper soaked in cold water; put it under the upper lip and have the patient press the lip with the fingers. Remarks.—Tried with success in many cases by a school teacher." By putting under the lip and pressing on it, you press on an artery and stop bleeding. Be careful to use nothing but white paper, as ink or colors would come out when wet.

2. Nosebleed, Alum as a cure for.
"Apply cold water to face and back of neck; snuff powdered alum." The powdered alum contracts the blood vessels, thereby shutting off the supply of blood. The cold water applied to the back of the neck affects the nervous system in such a manner that the blood vessels are contracted and so the blood supply is diminished.

3. Nosebleed; Remedy that succeeded in a severe case.
"Put pieces of ice in cloth. Lay a piece each side of the nose and on the back of the neck. Remarks.—My neighbor's daughter had nosebleed which refused to stop until they were much frightened but this treatment soon stopped it, after which she rested quietly for a time,"

4. Nosebleed, Simple Remedy for.
—"Place the finger on the side of the nose tight for ten or fifteen minutes. My mother has stopped her nose from bleeding when other remedies failed." This shuts off the circulation and helps to form a clot.

5. Nosebleed, Another Home Remedy for.
—"Hold the head back as far as possible, press up the end of the nose with the end of the finger." Best to lie on the side so blood will not run down the throat and choke the patient.

6. Nosebleed, Puff-Ball for.
—"Find an old brown puff-ball from the ground, pick out the soft inside part and put it in nose and let remain for some time."

7. Nosebleed, Vinegar and Water for.
—"Wet a cloth in very cold water or strong cold water and vinegar and apply to back of neck, renewing as it gets warm. Have seen this tried and know it to be good."

HOARSENESS. Inflammation of the Larynx. (Acute Laryngitis) Causes.—Due to taking cold or over using the voice; hot liquids, poisons. It may occur in influenza and measles; from irritating gases; some are subject to it.

Symptoms.—Tickling in the larynx; cold air irritates, and breathing may cause some pain; dry cough; the voice may be altered. At first it may be only husky. In children breathing may be very difficult, after a day or two there may be a light expectoration and finally there may be a loose cough and a slight fever. The trouble is in the region of "Adam's Apple." There is little or no danger in these attacks if proper care is taken. The attack generally lasts two to four days.

1.Hoarseness, Borax for.
—"For hoarseness dissolve a piece of borax the size of a pea in the mouth and don't talk. It will work like a charm." The borax does away with the inflammation of the inflamed parts and gives relief very quickly.

2. Hoarseness, Egg and Lemon for.
—"Beaten white of one egg, juice of one lemon, with sugar enough to thicken, then add one teaspoonful olive oil." Take one teaspoonful every hour until relieved.

3. Hoarseness, Horseradish for.
—"Horseradish root; eat plenty of it. This has been tried and proved successful."

4. Hoarseness, Successful Remedy for Adults.
—"Take two ounces of fresh scraped horseradish root, infuse in a close vessel in one-half pint of cold water for two or three hours; then add four ounces of acid tincture of lobelia and one-half pound of honey. Boil altogether for one-half hour, strain and take a teaspoonful four times a day. This is a very good remedy, especially for adults."

5. Hoarseness, Lemon and Sugar for Children.
—"Take the juice of one lemon and saturate with sugar, take a teaspoonful several times a day. It is sure to give relief. This is very pleasant to give to children, as they most all like it."


Mullein Leaf Smoke Beneficial for.
—"Smoke dried mullein leaves, just a few puffs are needed, and should be drawn into the throat. Myron H. Grinnel of Albion, Mich., says his grandmother always gathers mullein leaves for this purpose and finds them an excellent remedy. Too much would cause dizziness." Mullein leaves are good for inflamed membranes like the ear and throat. If a person does not wish to gather the leaves themselves they may buy them at a drug store.

2. Tickling in Throat, Good Northern Canada Remedy for.
—"Chew some of the bark of slippery elm and gargle the throat with saliva. This stops tickling in a few minutes."

3. Tickling in Throat, Tested Gargle for.
—"Gargle from four to six times daily with following:—

Strong Sage Tea 1 pint
Salt 2 tablespoonfuls
Cayenne Pepper 2 tablespoonfuls
Vinegar 2 tablespoonfuls
Honey 2 tablespoonfuls

Mix thoroughly and bottle for use.

The above ingredients are all excellent for sore throat and it is an old tried remedy and can easily be obtained. If it is too strong dilute with warm water to the desired strength.

"CHILD CROWING" (Spasm of the Glottis.)—This is usually peculiar to children.

Cause.—It is purely a nervous affection and it occurs between six months and three years, and is most commonly seen in children with rickets.

Symptoms.—It may come in the night or day; or when the child awakes. The breathing is arrested, the child struggles for breath, the face is flushed, and then with a sudden relaxation of the spasm, the air is drawn into the lungs with a high pitched crowing sound. Convulsions may occur. Death rarely occurs. There may be many attacks during the day.

Cold Sponging.
—In severe cases, the child should be placed in a warm bath tub and the back and chest thoroughly sponged for a minute or two with cold water. This plan may be used even when a child is in a paroxysm, though the attack is severe and the child looks blue, it is much better than to dash cold water in the face. Sometimes the attack can be stopped by introducing the finger far back into the throat.

CROUP, Spasmodic.
—This disease gives the parents a terrible shock if they have never seen any attacks of the kind. The symptoms which attend the attack are out of all proportion to the real danger. It is generally the result of exposure to cold or to the cold wind. Irritating, undigested food, often causes it.

Symptoms.—Usually the child goes to bed perfectly well, or has a slight cold and wakes up an hour or two later, coughing and gasping for breath, due to a spasm in the wind pipe. The cough is shrill, more like a bark; the cough is repeated at intervals and soon the patient breathes quickly and laboriously. It must sit up for it can breathe easier sitting. The voice is oftentimes nearly or quite lost, or at least only a hoarse whisper; the face is bluish or perspiring. The spasm lasts for a variable period, but rarely exceeds one-half hour, sometimes only a few minutes. The croupy cough and oppressed breathing may last longer than this, but these too subside after a time, after which the child drops to sleep and usually rests quietly for the rest of the night. There is a tendency to recurrence on succeeding night unless obviated by treatment.

Treatment. Preventive.
—Guard against such children's exposure to cold winds and dampness, dress them warmly. The living and sleeping rooms should not be too warm. Do not give them food hard to digest at any time, especially before bedtime. Foods hard to digest frequently cause the attack.

1. Croup, Cold Application for.
—"Apply to throat a flannel wrung out of cold water, lay a dry cloth over it." This is an excellent remedy for a mother to try in case of an emergency when no other medicine can be obtained. This very often will relieve a child until other remedies can be secured and has been known to save many children's lives: The cold water helps to draw the blood away from the larynx and air passages and also dilates the tubes and gives relief. Take great care not to wet the child, as this will cause it to take more cold and may prove fatal.

2. Croup, Sure Cure for.
—"Give child anything that will make it vomit, soak feet in hot water, apply onion drafts to bottom of feet, roast onions and put on the chest, keep warm. My mother has cured me at least one hundred times with the above remedy. She generally gave me pig's foot oil, or oil from the feet of a chicken, sometimes melted lard. Croup has to be attended to at once or it is fatal with the child." This is a very good remedy.

3. Croup, Immediate Relief from Steaming.
—"Put a small shawl over the child's head to retain steam, then put a small chunk of unslaked lime in a bowl of water under shawl. The steam affords immediate relief, usually, if child inhales it." This is very good; shawl should cover the child's head and bowl in which lime is dissolved.

4. Croup, for Baby or Older Child.
—"Take a teaspoonful alum, pulverize it and sprinkle it on the whites of two fresh eggs in a cup or glass, let it stand for a few minutes, until the combination has turned to water, or water is produced; then give one-half teaspoonful to a child six months old or less and increase the dose to one teaspoonful for older children, and repeat the dose in fifteen or thirty minutes as the case may require. Remarks: From personal experience in my own and neighbors' families, I have never known a case where it did not bring relief and cure. The dose must produce vomiting."

5. Croup, Remedy that Never Fails.
—"Two tablespoonfuls of liquor or brandy and one-quarter teaspoonful of glycerin, one teaspoonful of sugar, one tablespoonful of water; stir up well and give one teaspoonful every hour or oftener if necessary. Then at same time take a flannel and soak well in cold water, wring it gently and put around neck with a heavy, dry flannel over the damp one. If damp flannel becomes hot take it off, dampen it in more cold water and apply again, and so on until relieved. Do not allow the patient to get chilled. Better results are obtained if patient will go to bed. Remarks: I have used this in my family, and have always found it to be the best croup cure I have ever seen, and it will be found to give immediate relief. The external application is extremely good."

6. Croup, Coal Oil (kerosene) and Sugar for.
—"Coal oil and sugar; put a few drops on a teaspoonful of sugar." The coal oil produces vomiting, relieving the trouble. If the first dose does not have this effect upon the child, repeat it.

7. Croup, Pork and Onion Poultice for.
—"Put pork and onions on the throat. Drink plenty of hot water." Bind the pork and onions on the throat, acting as a poultice. The virtue of this can be increased by cooking the onions and pork together. 
Onion syrup may be given internally to produce vomiting, even in very small babies.

8. Croup, Bloodroot for.
—"One teaspoonful powdered bloodroot mixed with molasses or sugar. Have taken this myself and it relieved at once. If one dose does not seem enough it may be repeated." This is a very effective remedy, but is very weakening. Care should be taken not to repeat dose any oftener than absolutely necessary.

9. Croup, Time Honored Remedy for.
—"Pulverized alum and sugar or honey or molasses; mix together and give half teaspoonful doses or less. For infants use only in emergency cases." This is one of the good old-fashioned remedies that nearly every mother has used. 
It acts simply by producing vomiting and causing the air tubes to relax. Repeat in five to twenty minutes until it causes vomiting.

10. Croup, Ipecac for.—"One-third teaspoonful of powdered ipecac dissolved in one teaspoonful of water, one tablespoonful of sugar; pour on one teacupful of boiling water and let boil down to a half cup, Dose: One teaspoonful for adults; children in proportion every two hours; or, if needed to vomit children, give again in ten or fifteen minutes." 
If you cannot secure the powdered ipecac, the syrup can be bought at any drug store, and is already prepared, Dose: Ten to fifteen drops as the case may need.

11. Croup, Vaselin for.
—"Vaselin rubbed on the chest, cover with a hot flannel, and take 1/4 teaspoonful of vaselin internally occasionally." Dissolve vaselin and repeat dose if necessary to produce vomiting.

12. Croup, Ice Application for.
—"Ice applied to the throat is almost instant relief." It is best to break the ice up fine and sprinkle salt on same, putting it in a cheese cloth bag, binding on the throat with a flannel, and change as soon as it shows signs of wetting.

13. Croup, Salt for.
—"Parched salt put on the throat hot." The parched salt acts the same as mustard plaster, by producing a redness on the throat. Salt is something that we can always have on hand and by using this remedy we are always prepared for an emergency in case of croup.

14. Croup, Castor Oil Breaks up.
—"Castor oil, given before bedtime, is good. Dose.—From one-half to one teaspoonful. I have taken this when I was small." Castor oil is good when the bowels are constipated or the stomach is full.

15. Croup, Coal Oil, Turpentine and Snuff, a Canadian Remedy for.
—"A little coal oil and a few drops of turpentine soaked up by snuff, and used as plaster. Makes the child sneeze after a few minutes. The poultice loosens the phlegm and the sneezing throws it off."

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