A Native American
Medicine Wheel Garden is specifically designed to be deeply personal,
and your choice of plants, natural materials and symbolic garden decor
reflects the inner garden of your spirit. There is much to learn from
the sacred medicine wheel. Primitive cultures displayed a reverence for
the Earth through sacred rituals, ceremonies, blessings, cleansing and
visions. Native Americans gave thanks, asked for guidance, displayed a
keen intuition, and they understood their world on many inner spiritual
levels, through these gardens.
Medicine wheels are based on the
sacred natural shape, that is symbolic of the connection of all living
things. Their round designs feature a central focus, and four or more
paths carve the garden into pie-shaped beds. Most are planted with
perennial and annual herbs, some featuring medicinal herbs, others
encompassing a wide variety of culinary, ornamental and healing
herbs, native grasses, shrubs
and cacti.
For more than 5,000 years, natives
of the Western Hemisphere built sacred circle structures, surrounded by
one or more concentric circles, with spokes or stone lines radiating
outward. Based on the number four (representing the cardinal directions
situated at energy vortexes), sacred circles were used all over the
world for ceremonies, as places of worship and to communicate creation
stories. Rich in symbolism and powerful as healing places, these
edifices stand testament to nature-based and deeply spiritual cultures.
Most wheels are
designed with 36 stones to reflect the
‘Sacred Path’ that humans travel on Earth. The garden’s entrance
is always situated in the East, representing the beginning
of our journey and the rising of the sun.
History tells us that some 20,000
human-formed stone circles greeted migrating Europeans as they traveled
westward. Situated on and around the Great Plains of Saskatchewan,
Alberta, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, today less than 200 of these
incredible ancient wheels have survived.
Medicine Wheel Gardens do not need
to be large. An average of 8 feet in diameter can grow plenty of
culinary, butterfly and medicinal herbs in four distinct beds. The
garden wheel must be situated in the open, with any tall trees or
structures to the north. Herb plantss need about 8 hours of full sun per
Each direction in the wheel has
relative meaning to an individual’s existence on Earth. Areas
for specific prayer can be designed into each wheel. Your family
members and pets can also be represented within the wheel
To create a medicine wheel garden, gather five marker stakes, a hammer,
measuring tape, compass and some white string or landscaper's marking
Rocks mark the important yearly dates around the outside circle, so a
rock pile would be very convenient. I use a lot of rocks and gravel for
my landscapes, and there are plenty around to choose from.
To start the wheel, drive a stake
into the ground at the desired center. Using a compass, locate the four
cardinal directions, and mark each with a stake 4 feet from the center.
Mark the circle by joining the four cardinal direction stakes with
Once the circle is marked, prepare
the circle garden bed as you would your others. To view some ornamental
circular gardens for a bit of garden prep or plant choice perspective,
you'll find photos on this page.
If the site you choose is on grass,
pull the grass out of the garden area, being careful to keep the five
stakes in place. Mix in potting soil, compost, and any other amendments
you use in your other garden beds. Herbs prefer well-drained,
slightly alkaline soil. Your other plant choices may require different
conditions. And you must cater to all of them for successful
Lay 2ft. wide landscaping fabric from each directional stake toward the
center to form paths and to block weeds, while letting in rain.. Spread
gravel, shells, wood chips or other natural material over the fabric,
and then you can replace the four directional stakes with large rocks.
These represent the spirit keepers of each direction, and may be
designed with ornamental native american items or decor of your
Use logs, pottery pieces,
bricks or smaller rocks to edge the paths and define the circle.
Replace the center stake with a large rock, boulder, piece of driftwood,
tree branch or object with significant meaning.
Many traditional medicine wheels feature a buffalo skull in the center.
It signifies creation or the center of all life. I'll respectfully skip
that skeletonized animal feature in my design, and choose a similar
reverent symbol for my center.
Select plants for each quadrant,
plant seedlings after the last frost, and allow at least 10 to 18 inches
between each plant.
Herbs for your
Medicine Wheel Garden
You can find lots
of medicinal and culinary herb garden suggestions
on this page.
As with the stones, totems and symbols in a Native medicinal garden, the
plants should reflect your personal preferences. Plant each quadrant the
way you wish. Never use chemicals on or near the medicine wheel
Wheel Symbols and The Placement of Stones
Most North American medicine wheels use
36 rocks to reflect the sacred path that humans travel on Earth.
The Center or
Creator Stone stands alone, and represents the Creator, from whom all life flows.
Seven more
stones surround the Creator stone, inside the perimeter of the circle.
These are called The Elders and Ancestor stones.
In Native American culture, focus is on the guidance provided by elders
and ancestors that have travelled and experienced the path of The
Medicine Wheel before us.
These ancestors or ‘Seven
Grandfathers’ have gifts for us that have been translated from The
Creator. These seven gifts infuse the teachings of The Medicine Wheel.
There are two gifts for 3 directions, beginning in the East. Wisdom,
Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility. In the North, there is
only one stone, which represents Truth. |
Stones and Quadrants
North Stone - White buffalo
totem represents hibernation, suspension and significant inner growth;
time to share knowledge, use restraint; the place for mental growth and
wisdom. Plants for the North are plants that provide edible nuts or
seeds. The sacred plant is Sweetgrass. Plants in these
gardens should be planted for animals and wildlife, such as songbirds ,
bees and butterflies. Herbs grown are for mental health.
Airy or feathery specimens that blow in the wind, like ornamental
grasses, will help bring ones attention to the element of air, which is
the element of the north. Ferns use the wind to distribute spores,
and thrive in areas of the garden where sun is less intense.
Plants with winter interest are also beneficial in this quadrant.
South Stone - Coyote totem
symbolizes growth and fulfillment; self-assurance and acceptance in
humans; intense growth in plants; place of emotions. This is the place
to meditate on relationships. The southern zones of the Medicine Wheel
Garden are areas that bring intense growth in plants. Plants for the
southern quadrant are plants that provide nutrition, such as fruits and
vegetables, savory herbs, and plants that naturally assist other plants.
The sacred plant is Cedar. Herbs for the south garden bring our
attention to the earth, like ground covers or creepers. Creeping
thyme is a wonderful herb in any quadrant.
East Stone - Golden Eagle
totem is the spiritual direction; representing new beginnings and
creativity. In the East, every visitor’s journey begins. The
East is the place for one’s spirit, and where one acknowledges the
life given to us by the Sun. Plants for the eastern garden are
herbs for spiritual health, plants for incense or smudging, and Spring
blooms. The sacred plant for the East is Tobacco.
West Stone - Grizzly bear
totem represents maturity and experience. Some believe healing comes
from this direction. This direction represents maturity and experience.
The West is the place where the power of nature, and the physical
body is often evident. Plants for the western garden are plants that
grow edible roots. The sacred plant is Sage. This is where a rock
garden should be designed if desired, as this is the place for minerals.
Water features, or succulents will bring
ones attention to how vital the element of water is for all living
creatures. Flowers for autumn represent the season of the west.
Moon Stones
- Twelve stones around the perimeter indicate the 12 full moons cycles
in a year.
Compilation Reources:
Indian Herbalogy, Smithmark
"Probing the Mystery of the Medicine Wheels", National
Various public domain books , photos and vintage pamphlets
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