Victorians relied on
natural remedies, often handed down through the generations. From the
use of leeches, opium and morphine, to the mellow herbs, plants and
honey. These remedies often worked quite well – but there were some
that would be considered dangerous by today’s medical standards.
In Victorian England, among the general
causes of illness 'diseased parents', night air, sedentary habits,
anger, wet feet and abrupt changes of temperature. The causes of fever
included injury, bad air, violent emotion, irregular bowels and extremes
of heat and cold. Cholera was said to be caused by rancid or putrid
food, by 'cold fruits' such as cucumbers and melons, and by passionate
fear or rage.
Treatments relied heavily on a 'change
of air', together with emetic and laxative purging and bleeding by cup
or leech (a traditional remedy in use until mid-century) to clear
impurities from the body.
The Victorian Pharmacist
The Victorian pharmacy brought medicine
and healthcare to the general population. Here, the different
ingredients for each ailment were measured out and mixed by a
pharmacist. Herbalists worked with doctors, informing them about which
herbs and plants would work best on certain ailments. It wasn’t until
later in the Victorian era that the position of a pharmacist became a
specialized job.
There were many "quack" medicines being used during the
Victorian Era marketed as "herbs".
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral was meant to
cure anything from a simple cold or cough, and lung diseases,
including tuberculosis.
Pectoral ingredients were said to be herbs, but also included alcohol
and three grams of morphine per bottle, which might cure anyone’s urge
to cough, or even breathe! Emerson’s Bromo Seltzer was very
popular as a headache remedy, but the active ingredient – acetanilide
– could cause liver and kidney damage. Many doctors at the time
would prescribe Fowler’s Solution (a curative for syphilis invented in
the late 1700s), despite the fact that it included both mercury and
The nature-based
remedies that actually worked for many, and that did no harm, include:
Cod Liver Oil
Bee balm
bee balm is edible it is also medicinal and was used by Victorians as an
antiseptic, a diuretic and as a treatment for colds, headaches and to
reduce insomnia. Steam inhalation of the plant can be used for sore
throats. Also known as wild bergamot, the plant is a fragrant addition
to any herb garden and its flowers can be used in salads.
to catnip, catmint can grow up to three to four feet in height and was
used by Victorians as a tea to help them sleep and it was also used to
ease colic in babies. Catmint should be sown or planted out in spring
and thinned to at least a foot apart. It also thrives in containers.
with its soothing properties and cheerful white daisy-like flowers with
their yellow centers is much-loved when used in tea. It has
anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, can be used in baths and
in herb pillows to help relax and ease stress.
cleanses the skin and was used by Victorians as a treatment for
spot-prone skin and to combat headaches and depression. It was also used
as a nerve tonic, a compress for chest congestions and was an ingredient
in the smelling salts used to revive swooning ladies. In the kitchen,
cooks used it to make fragrant fruit jellies and vinegars and
housekeepers would use lavender water to scent bed linen to aid sleep.
cooking, only the leaves and not the thick stems are used. In addition
to using dill in their kitchens, the Victorians also revered it for its
ability to boost digestive health and relieve ailments such as insomnia,
hiccups, menstrual disorders and flatulence. They also believed it
relieved arthritis.
Used by
Victorians to treat headaches, arthritis and fever. Feverfew can easily
be grown from seed and needs to be grown in a sunny spot, ideally in
loamy soil. They can quickly overtake other plants, so be judicious with
pruning. A perennial, the herb blooms between July and October.
Lamb's ears
It was
used by Victorians for insect stings and as a field dressing and
poultice to make an effective bandage when clean fabric was unavailable.
Grow in full sun and well-drained soil, spacing plants between one and
three feet apart. Cut back flowering stems close to ground level after
they have finished blooming and they will sprout healthy new stems and
Lemon balm
balm was used by Victorians to make a facial cleanser for people
suffering from acne and was also used to stop the growth of bacteria and
viruses. Used in tea, it is said to have a mildly sedative effect and
ladies would put leaves into their handkerchiefs to sniff in order to
repel odors.
was used for insect bites and to revive people who had fainted. It was
also used to strengthen gums, to help gout, to heal ulcers, and to treat whooping cough. Commonly used for cases of
stomach problems. All mint grows aggressively, and should be
confined to pots in full sun.
Victorians loved rosemary, which was used in cooking, and as a remedy
for ailments such as eczema and arthritis. It was also used to heal
wounds, as a hair rinse for dandruff, as an air freshener, a rodent
repellent and applied externally as an oil to help relieve pain from
indigestion or stomach cramps.
popular in the 19th century, sage was used to treat sore throats on the
basis that it contains a natural astringent and antiseptic tannins. It was
also used to treat dandruff and for “woman issues”, in particular menopause, and as an antibiotic, a diuretic and a culinary herb to flavor
meats. It is a forgiving herb – the larger the leaves grow the more
the flavor intensifies and, unlike many herbs, sage leaves are still
delicious after the plant flowers.
Plantain is a very common herb which
was used to help hay fever and allergies. It would have been sourced
locally by a herbalist and it helped sooth irritations in the lungs, and
was used to cure common coughs. It could be made into a tea.
Used in tonics
Used to settle the stomach, ease
The Most Popular
Throughout the 1800s, plasters were
used to draw what the Victorians thought to be "badness" out
of the body. On top of a thin cut out of leather, a blend of wax and
ingredients such as lead, opium or frankincense, which was known for
being good at clearing things from the chest, would be spread and let to
cool. These plaster shapes would then be sold for people to place on
different parts of their body – the forehead, chest, behind the ears,
for example – and they would draw out the excessive humors thought to
be causing pain or illness. They were not plasters as we know them today.
If a patient had a cough, they might have resorted to putting on a
plaster, which they would warm up using warm water thus making it stick
to the skin. Thereafter, the patient would have wanted the plaster to
draw out as much of the excessive humor as it could, so it would
have gone on as long as they could bear with the half-melted wax on
their skin without washing.
Disgusting, but....
The "Everlasting Pill"
Because of popular belief that a person
could feel ill and out of sorts because of an imbalance within the body,
people thought that getting rid of all the bad inside of you would cure
The "Everlasting" Pill was invented and used to purge the body
of ailments. The pill itself was small and made of a metal, now known to
be toxic, called antimony. Swallowing this would induce severe vomiting
and diarrhea, giving the body what was assumed to be a thorough and
healthy cleanse.
Here's the gross part: Feces would be
sifted through to retrieve the pill, which was sold as being re-usable.
After cleaning it off, it would be put back on the shelf, ready and
waiting for the next person to dose themselves with it. It was sometimes
passed through many people in the family, and might have been passed
down through a few generations
Leeches - Early Victorians believed that, when it was
unwell, the body was storing too much of certain ‘humors’. One of
the humors was blood. As the Victorians understood it, if blood came out
of the body it was because the body had too much blood and needed to
re-balance itself. Having too much blood was actually thought to cause a
lot of illnesses and because of this belief, they would use leeches to
suck the blood out of the body.
Leeches were key to the "bloodletting"
process, and throughout the ages, have been used as a treatment for
infection, skin diseases, dental afflictions, and nervous system
abnormalities. Their most well-known attribute has kept them relevant in
today’s medicine—leeches secrete specific peptides and proteins that
increase wound blood flow, by preventing clotting. Leech therapy is
believed to treat or cure everything from cancer, arthritis,
hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Tapeworms for Obesity - Ladies
in desperation of the perfect body would consume a tapeworm egg pill in
hopes the creature would thrive in her intestines. One could eat until
satisfied, while the worm would eat the majority, leading to weight
loss. The “diet” still exists today, with subjects seeking worms
from shady clinics and websites. Dangerous symptoms included
malnutrition, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, infection, anemia, and
Maggots were used to treat
infected wounds, because they will only eat dying tissue, while healthy
tissue is preserved. The treatment is so effective to heal gangrene and
burns, it is still used in modern medicine.
Quackery In The Guise
of Medicines and Remedies
Quackery and The
Use of Drugs and Alcohol
Natural is not always good. Let's remember that
cocaine, morphine and alcohol are derived from natural sources. And
manufacturers used that fact to convince you that it had to be safe, effective and legal. In alarming dosages.
All kinds of medicines were bottled up
and manufactured, created by everyday people. Many of these cures
contained dangerous amounts of drugs and alcohol. Put a picture of a
sick child, caring mother or grandmother on a bottle, and it most likely
Quack Cocaine
Cocaine lozenges were recommended as effective remedies for coughs,
colds and toothaches in the Victorian era. It was believed, during the
nineteenth century, that cocaine had therapeutic effects and it was
often prescribed in the treatment of indigestion, melancholia,
neurasthenia. Cocaine was also used as an anesthetic. It had, for a
time, been sold as an ingredient in cola. Namely, Coca Cola.
Vin Mariani Tonic was made from coca
leaves, and was regarded as a wonder medicine for a variety of ailments.
It was advertised that it fortifies and refreshes body and brain,
restores health and vitality. Two glasses of Vin Mariani were
believed to contain about 50 milligrams of pure cocaine.
Cocaine was used in a number of
medicines. From the 1880s to the 1920s coca was even advised by
pharmacists for relieving vomiting in pregnancy, and cocaine wool was
recommended to relieve toothache.
Many patented medicines included
morphine and alcohol, and could contain heroin or cocaine, as in the
Cocaine Tooth Drops made by the Lloyd Manufacturing Co. Many of these
medicines, like Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, are obviously meant for
consumption by children.
Cocaine was also billed as a curative for opium addiction.
Alcohol was supposedly just used as a preservative in these medicines,
but most, like Lydia Pinkham’s, contained around fifteen to twenty
percent alcohol. Parker’s Tonic, to cure coughs, consumption,
asthma, blood diseases, rheumatism, nervousness, and liver and kidney
complaints, was supposedly made entirely from pure vegetable extracts,
but was actually 41.6% alcohol.
Lydia Pinkham was a lady who bottled up
homemade, “Vegetable Compound,” that supposedly cured “female
weakness”, as well as general headaches, nervousness, and
irritability. Her remedy was twenty percent alcohol. No wonder so
many Victorians suffered from the vapors, and took a little nap before
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, a cure for painful teething in
infants and children, a dose of which would include both morphine
and alcohol. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral was very popular, and was meant to
cure anything from a simple cold or cough, up to lung diseases,
including tuberculosis. Pectoral ingredients were said to be
herbs, but also included alcohol and three grams of morphine per
bottle. Emerson’s Bromo Seltzer was very popular as a headache
remedy, but the active ingredient – acetanilide – could cause liver
and kidney damage. Doctors at the time would prescribe Fowler’s
Solution (a curative for syphilis), despite the fact that it included
both mercury and arsenic.
No wonder the Victorian lifespan was so
woefully short. Thank goodness the initial Pure Food and Drug Act
of 1906 was enacted to help solve the problem of unregulated medicines,
and it was then replaced by the more stringent Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act of 1938.
"Medicinal" Addictive Drug Use
- Opiates, Cocaine, and Derivatives


Opium and its derivatives
were used as cheap homemade mixtures, as well as being dispensed freely by
Twenty or twenty-five drops of laudanum could be bought for a penny. Raw
opium was often sold in pills or sticks.
Laudanum, a tincture of opium mixed with wine or water was commonly in use
as medicine in England. Laudanum was called the 'aspirin of the nineteenth
century,' and it was widely used in Victorian households as a painkiller,
recommended for a broad range of ailments including cough, diarrhea,
rheumatism, 'women's troubles', cardiac disease and delirium tremens. I
noticed a lot of medicines made from these powerful and addictive drugs
were obviously meant to keep kids quiet and stop their fussing from
teething and belly aches.
Opium derivatives were used
in many patent medicines, and sold without a prescription in great
quantities in Victorian general stores and apothecaries.
The most popular patent
medicines which contained opium or its derivatives were Kendal Black Drop,
Godfrey’s Cordial, Dover's Powder, Dalby’s Carminative, McMunn’s
Elixir, Batley’s Sedative Solution, and Mother Bailey’s Quieting
Syrup. Soothing Syrup - In the 19th century, it was acceptable to pacify
your little child with a gulp of codeine, opium, and heroin—known as Soothing
Syrup. The syrup was openly advertised as a serum which would calm
your infant, while providing rest for weary mothers. It was being used
through the 1930's.
Opium's most prevalent use in Victorian
England was as infants' quieter. Children were often given Godfrey's
Cordial, (also called Mother's Friend), consisting of opium, water,
treacle, (a sweet treat) to keep them quiet. The potion resulted in deaths
and severe illnesses of babies and children. It was recommended for colic,
and also diarrhea, vomiting, hiccups, pleurisy, rheumatism, catarrhs, and
Other opium derivatives included
paregoric (camphorated opium tincture), widely used to control diarrhea in
adults and children, and used at least til the 60's in the U.S.(my mother-in-law
rubbed it on the gums of all of her 8 children to "soothe" their
teething pain - translated: It keeps them quiet). and Gee’s
Linctus (opiate squill linctus) for cough relief. There were also
proprietary medicines, remedies whose formula was owned exclusively by the
manufacturer, and which were marketed usually under a name registered as a
One of the most popular remedies, introduced in 1857, was Collis
Browne’s Chlorodyne, reportedly “assuages pain of every kind, affords
a calm, refreshing sleep without headache, and invigorates the nervous
system when exhausted”.
Women made up a substantial part of the
addicted Victorian population, and were generally more medicated than men.
A number of patent drugs and proprietary medicines containing opium or its
derivatives, were called 'women's friends'. Doctors prescribed
opiates for 'female troubles', associated with menstruation and
childbirth, or fashionable female maladies like "the vapors",
which included hysteria, depression, fainting fits, and mood swings.
I believe that the torturous corsets, hormones and menopause were
the real culprits causing these ailments.
Victoria and Albert Museum
Reader's Digest
Victorian Homes
1915 "Mothers' Remedies"
Ripon Museums
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