The Emotional Meanings of Flowers  - and Some Flowery Quotations

"Flora, Roman Goddess of Flowers" by Eveleyn De Morgan

"Floriography" is communication of feelings and emotions through the use or arrangement of  particular flowers.

During the  Victorian era, gifts of flowers, plants, and floral arrangements were used to send a secret message to the recipient, allowing the sender to express feelings symbolically, which could not be spoken aloud.


Popular Victorian Flowers and Their Symbolic Meaning

Nearly every sentiment imaginable can be expressed with flowers. 


Flower meanings from The Old Farmer's Almanac

Amaryllis Pride
Anemone Forsaken, sickness
Angelica Inspiration
Apple blossom Preference
Aster Symbol of Love, Daintiness
Bachelor’s button Blessedness
Sweet Basil Good wishes
Bay tree Glory
Begonia Beware, dark thoughts
Belladonna Silence
Bittersweet Truth
Black-eyed Susan Justice
Bluebell Humility, constancy
Butterfly Weed Let me go
Camellia, pink Longing For You
Camellia, white You’re Adroable
Candytuft Indifference
Red carnation My heart aches
White carnation Innocence, pure love
Pink carnation I’ll never forget you
Yellow carnation Disdain, disappointment, rejection
Chamomile Patience
Chrysanthemum, red I love you
Chrysanthemum, yellow Slighted love
Chrysanthemum, white Truth
Clematis Mental beauty
Clover, white Think of me
Columbine Foolishness
Columbine, purple Resolution
Columbine, red Anxious
Coreopsis Always cheerful
Crab blossom Ill-nature
Crocus, spring Youthful gladness
Cyclamen Resignation
Daffodil Regard, Unequalled Love
Dahlia, single Good taste
Daisy Innocence, hope
Edelweiss Courage, devotion
Forget-me-not Do not forget me
Gardenia Secret love
Geranium True friendship
Gladiolus Remembrance
Goldenrod Encouragement, good fortune
Heliotrope Eternal love, devotion
Hibiscus Delicate beauty
Hollyhock Ambition
Honeysuckle Bonds of love
Hyacinth Sport, game, play
– Blue Hyacinth Constancy
– Purple Hyacinth Sorrow
– Yellow Hyacinth Jealousy
– White Hyacinth Loveliness, prayers for someone
Hydrangea Rrigidity and heartlessness
Hyssop Sacrifice, cleanliness
Iris A message
Jasmine, white Sweet love
Jasmine, yellow Grace and elegance
Lady’s Slipper Capricious beauty
Larkspur Lightness, levity
Lavender Distrust 
Lemon balm Sympathy
Lilac Joy of youth
Lily, calla Beauty
Lily-of-the-valley Sweetness, purity, pure love
Lotus Flower Purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, and rebirth
Magnolia Love of nature
Marigold  Despair, grief, jealousy
Morning glory Affection
Nasturtium Patriotism
Pansy Thoughts
Peony Bashful, happy life
Poppy Consolation
Rhododendron Danger, beware
Rose, red Love
Rose, dark crimson Mourning
Rose, pink Happiness
Rose, white I’m worthy of you
Rose, yellow Jealousy,  infidelity
Rue Grace, clear vision
Salvia, blue I think of you
Salvia, red Forever mine
Snapdragon Deception, graciousness
Southernwood Constancy, jest
Speedwell Fidelity
Sunflower, dwarf Adoration
Sunflower, tall Haughtiness
Sweet pea Delicate pleasures
Sweet William Gallantry
Sweet woodruff Humility
Tansy Hostile thoughts, declaring war
Tulip, red Passion, declaration of love
Tulip, yellow Sunshine in your smile
Valerian Readiness
Violet Loyalty, devotion, faithfulness, modesty
Wallflower Faithfulness in adversity
Yarrow Everlasting love
Zinnia Thoughts of absent friends


Chloris - Greek Goddess of Flowers

Chloris was born a  nymph, a nature spirit who tended to Nature, and  was the daughter of the two ancient, ocean-going Titans, Oceanus and Tethys. 

One day, she was  happened upon by Zephyrus, the god of the West Wind and keeper of the warm spring breezes.
Zephyrus was stunned by her beauty and sweetness, and begged for her hand in marriage. With that came the prospect of Chloris being made a minor goddess.

Chloris fell quite in love with Zephyrus, and had three children by him: Ampyx, Mopsus and Carpus. 
She became the Flower Tender of The World, and was also said to have been responsible for the flower transformations of several characters in Greek Mythology: Adonis, Attis, Crocus, Hyacinthus and Narcissus, all turned ino flowers for their different circumstances.

Chloris was said to have created the very first rose. 
While strolling through her garden one morning, she supposedly came upon a lifeless nymph in a clearing surrounded by thick and fragrant forest. 
In her deep despair over the nymph's death, she decided to transform the girl into a flower to preserve her beauty and keep her essence alive. 
The rose was born and was named the Queen of Flowers.

Garden Quotations and Sayings


Genesis 2:8  "Then the LORD God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made."

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. – Greek proverb In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends.
Okakura Kakuzo
When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden. – Minnie Aumonier All gardeners know better than other gardeners.
 – Chinese proverb

“Where flowers bloom so does hope.” – Lady Bird Johnson

There are always flowers for those who want to see them.
- Henri Matisse

Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth's lips, spoken without sound.
- Edwin Curran

Flowers are the sweetest things that God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.
- Henry Ward Beecher

How I wished that I could come back as a flower
To spread the sweetness of love.
- Stevie Wonder

Earth laughs in flowers.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (One of my favorite authors!)

The flower fades that is not looked upon.
-Edward Counsel

Flowers are like small lanterns glowing on the forest floor.
- Steve Mueller

Our finest flowers are often weeds transplanted.
- Elbert Hubbard

“Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” 
Victor Hugo

Flowers are the gems that give color to the poetry of nature, and to cultivate a taste for them helps to beautify our minds.
- T. Augustus Forbes Leith

What this old world needs is more bouquets handed around to folks when they are alive and kicking. Flowers don't do a dead one much good.
- Robert Elliott Gonzales

"If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden."
 – Claudia Adrienne Grandi
“Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” 
John Lennon
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.” 
“The butterfly is a flying flower, the flower a tethered butterfly.”
 – Ecouchard Le Brun
“I must have flowers, always, and always.”
Claude Monet

“Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it.” 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.” 
Luther Burbank

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