An Ornamental Traditional Chinese Medicinal Garden
You can use this
garden design plan whether you will be using the herbs or not.
It can be ornamental and a realistic vision of a Chinese Medicinal Herb
Garden and
and creates Zen space. It can also be used as the basis for a Tea
Garden or Yoga Garden.
For an over-the-top design, you can incorporate this design into the
Hindu and Ayurvedic Healing Garden, Chakra Garden,
or Buddha Garden designs.
These herbs can become a part of any or all of your ornamental or herbal garden
Holistic healing with traditional chinese herbal medicine
- The Theory and Science Behind It.
According to the principles of all
Chinese medicine, health exists when the body is balanced and its energy
is freely flowing. The term “energy” refers to Qi, (or
"chi") the life energy that is said to animate the body. The
term “balance” refers to the relative factors of yin and yang—the
classic Taoist opposing forces of the universe. Yin and yang find their
expression in various subsidiary antagonists such as cold vs. heat,
dampness vs. dryness, descending vs. ascending, at rest vs. active, and
full vs. empty.
In an ideal state, yin and yang in
all their forms are perfectly balanced in every part of the body.
However, external or internal factors can upset this balance, leading to
disease. Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment involves identifying
the factors that are out of balance and attempting to bring them back
into harmony. Diagnosis is carried out by means of “listening” to
the pulse (taking the pulse with extraordinary care and sensitivity),
observing and palpating various parts of the body, and asking a long
series of questions.
Traditional Chinese medicine, based primarily on plant materials, has been
adopted throughout much of the Western world, and has become one of the
fastest-growing healthcare choices in the United States. Evidence of growth in
the practice of Chinese medicine is probably best illustrated by the increase in
number of licensed Chinese medicine providers in the US.
The most obvious difference is that the
Western herbal tradition focuses on “simples,” or herbs taken by themselves.
In contrast, traditional Chinese herbal medicine makes almost exclusive use of
herbal combinations. More importantly, these formulas are not designed to
treat symptoms of a specific illness; rather, they are tailored specifically to
the individual, according to the complex principles of traditional Chinese
medicine. For this reason, TCHM is potentially a deeply holistic healing
Sometime between the second century B.C.E.
and the second century A.D., the theoretical foundations of traditional Chinese
medicine were laid, but the focus was more on acupuncture than on herbs.
Only by about the 12th century A.D. were the deeper principles of Chinese
medicine fully applied to herbal treatment, forming a method that can be called TCHM.
This was further refined and elaborated during various periods of active
theorizing in the 14th through the 19th centuries. Western disease concepts
entered the picture in the 20th century, leading to further changes.
To use Chinese herbal medicine in the most
traditional way, you must visit a Chinese herbalist’s shop. There, experienced
herb preparers will chop, grind, fry, and slice dried herbs according to the
prescription given by an experienced herbalist. You will walk home with a packet
of dried herbs that need to be prepared according to the instructions, which
typically involve adding water, boiling for several hours in a ceramic pot,
pouring off the liquid, adding more water, and repeating the process twice more.
Certain herbs are supposed to be added right at the end, while others require
extra-long preparation. I have visited many Chinese practitioner shops and
purchased many healing herbs and remedies on my trips to Chinatown in NYC. I'd
rather purchase from a practitioner's shop and see it, than to mail order and
not know if the dried stuff i get is an actual herb. I like to ask questions.
The increase in traditional Chinese medicine practitioners has increased the
demand for medicinal plant material. Yet, practically all of the plant material
(cultivated or wildcrafted) used in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine
in the US is imported from China. Since many of the imported Chinese medicinal
plant species are produced in environments similar to environments in the US,
the possibility of domestic production of these plants for the US Chinese
medicinal market exists. Domestic production of these botanicals would help
insure the safety, freshness, and quality of the material.
Medicinal Herb Farming should be a
"thing" by now, accepted, inspected, and regulated, as any
other food farming. Small-scale farmers should be encouraged to grow
safe, medicinal crops from all cultures to fill the demand for them.
This opens a very large opportunity for the family farm, and it
shouldn't be handed over on a silver platter to large, commercial, and
possibly pharmaceutical-influenced, agricultural corporations. We can
keep U.S. farms alive. The government should fund our small farms to
expand and fill in harvest gaps. No sense railing against importing from
foreign suppliers, if we do not take the opportunity to grow our food
and medicines domestically. I prefer to buy U.S.-grown and produced safe
medicinal herbs. But I will grow them or get them where i can find them.
It's just as simple as that.
You can grow many of these herbs in your own organic garden, along with
ornamental plantings and decor utilizing Asian and sacred influences.
The practice of traditional Chinese medicine or 2000+ years, through observations of patients by
clinicians, is based on a
holistic philosophy. Traditional Chinese medicine defines health as body
integrity, adaptability, continuity, and balance with the doctor prescribing
traditional plant, animal, and mineral remedies to sustain a self-regulatory
status in the body (a balance of yin and yang). This contrasts with Western
medicine in which health is defined as the absence of disease symptoms and the
doctor diagnoses and prescribes clinically tested medicines to eradicate disease
Traditional practitioners in Chinese medicine are trained to give dietary
advice, including recommendations of seasonal foods and foods with energetic
properties to restore metabolic balance to the patient. Herbs are prescribed
only in formulas that follow traditional practice, although these may be
modified slightly to accommodate the individual needs of a patient. Formulas
typically contain 8 to 15 different plant materials.
Start with a theme for your
atmosphere...... you can incorporate the medicinal herbs into any of our
ornamental Zen, Buddha, Japanese, Herbalist, Chakra, or Hindu Garden Designs for
decor ideas. My suggestions for plants and decor design for a medicinal
and healing garden follow. Many plants make beautiful ornamentals, as well as
medicines. If you have room for them, add a pergola, metal/twig arches and a
gazebo. A small water feature and bird baths add soothing sound and movement.
You don't have to stick to a strictly Chinese decor - mix in all types of Asian
and Buddhist symbols. Japanese, Chines, Tibetan, Hindu - represent them all if
you like. They lend a lot of Zen to your landscapes and gardens. Examples would
be Buddha and Quan Yin - there are differing representations in different Asian
cultures. And they're all beautiful in a healing garden. If you want to focus on
Buddhism and Hinduism for your decor, there is a lot you can add to your garden
for symbolism and serenity. The Tibetan female Buddha of Longevity is lesser
known in garden decor and medicine, but she is known as "Mother
Buddha", The Buddha of Longevity. If you can find White Tara, she deserves
a spot in the ornamental and medicine garden.
Read The Scientific Stuff and Get Right To The List of Medicinal Plants
To Grow in your Traditional Chinese Medicine Garden,
click here.
Chinese Medicine Garden plants
- Many
plants are quite fragrant, which adds to the healing and serenity
properties of your medicinal garden.
You can
pack a lot of plants, into a small area by growing most plants in
decorative pots, along fences and on trellises, in elevated raised bed
garden planters. Including dwarf asian ornamental and fruit trees. Many
ornamental and medicinal vines can be grown on trellises that take up no
horizontal space. There are many beautiful asian ornamentals,
vegetables, shrubs and trees. Weeping dwarf trees look stunning in a pot
as a centerpiece, at the entrance to the garden, or surrounding the
garden beds. I have several, and i placed one on either side of my
garden bench seating area, and in other accent spots in my zen gardens.
most important thing to remember...... this is a medicinal and
healing garden. You will be eating or ingesting plant materials, and the
garden is meant to heal, not harm. Do not use chemical fertilizers, soil
amendments, potting soil with chemicals, chemical pesticides or weed
killer anywhere in this garden. Visit these pages for natural
pesticides and fertilizers.
You can make your
own potting soil, too.
-Candles, incense, rain chains, windchimes, temple bells, a
variety of small bamboo or metal birdcages hanging from tree limbs.
seating area or bamboo benches are a must-have. Place these in different
areas and nooks for serenity and quiet enjoyment of your garden.
Add a bistro table and chair, and store your favorite tea things - pot,
cup and saucer, culinary herbs in a container nearby - where you can sit
and have tea and silence (except for the birdsong).
- Solar string lights in warm white (non-blinking), lanterns and path
lights add the finishing touches. Add a small, ornamental firepit. The
fire element goes well in Zen and Asian serenity/healing gardens.
-Rocks, stones and gravel - as a path, pot filler, or as accents in the
garden beds. If you have a covered patio, hang a few red paper lanterns.
Some of these lanterns have solar lights fitted in.
- Small solar cascading fountains and solar fountains in the birdbaths and
large, shallow decorative bowls
- Lotus flowers - great if you have a small pond, but a little difficult
to grow and care for - realistic-looking lotus on lily pads are better as
floaters in bowls and birdbaths. I use several. They look so real, the
pollinators are fooled. You can find these in floral suppy shops and from
pool/pond suppliers.
- Statuary - Medicine Buddha and other Buddhist and Asian statues,
Quan Yin, White Tara, peacocks, pagodas, dragons, cranes and egrets.
and Asian-style Perennial Plants For
the Ornamental Areas of Your Garden
- Check for cold hardiness in your area before picking a
Before planting, sketch a tentative plan for where you want your plants.
You can choose to grow just about anything
ornamental with the words "Chinese, Japanese, Asian, weeping or
dwarf" in it's name. These plants have attributes that make them
perfect in a Serenity or Zen Garden. They also add texture, fragrance,
color, and some of them also have edible or medicinal parts.
'em up
When choosing your plants you may want to extend the beauty of the
garden's blooms by choosing plants that perform in every season.
Evergreens work their magic all the time, and many also have pretty
blooms. Use bulbs. They will fill in with their blooming times in early
spring through fall. Plant these in spots around the other plants and
plant them last. Consider them "filler". Plant late-blooming
shrubs and plants that will put on a show in fall through winter, and
plant among the plants with different blooming times. This way, you can
assure that the garden is active and gorgeous all the time. No bald spots.
You can also choose your focal point shrubs and trees so that they are
beautiful with blossoms, berries, unusual leaves, unusual bark, contorted
shapes, or changing colors for most of the season.
design your groupings, start with an odd number of each plant in any
configuration within your design (3, 5,7, etc. and 1 focal point or large
shrub/tree plant per section). It's the same concept used in interior
design. A group of 2 plants looks pretty blah. A grouping of 3 with
one plant in the center and 1 on either side looks way more balanced. You
can use one tall accent plant and two or three taller in the center of a
grouping of 5 or 7 plants. You are not limited by anything other
than the size of your space and your budget. Use any number of plants
spaced close enough together or far enough apart to fill each area of your
garden design.
After choosing your plants, and before planting, clear
the soil of weeds and rock, add good potting soil and compost, and dig or
rake it in, and then lay down good quality landscape fabric (weed block)
on top before planting. Icing the cake. You'll be very happy you did that
instead of having to pull weeds all season.
Decorative and Practical Suggestion: place a cedar plank rollout garden
path as a center or place a few between sections of the garden if you have
space.. if you don't have a lot of space in your design, place one path to
the garden, itself. These are available in 6-8 ft. lengths. I add several
every year to all of my landscaping. Very practical as row dividers and to
keep your footwear dry. As well as a great help if you're using
wheelbarrows for harvest or maintenance. They're a stunning acccent in Zen
and Asian Gardens.
and poke in any tall trellises or ornamental fencing that you might be
using. Set down your statuary and focal point elements. Don't install any
fending around the entire garden or borders until the end.
by planting around your ornamental focal and accent points, like bird
baths, statues, fountains, arbors, gazebo, arches.
Plant the tall focal points or accent plants and trees first. Including
vines that will grow up and against trellises and obelisks.
Plant the "filler" or smaller plant groupings next. Plant ground
cover plants and bulbs last.
not to arrange and plant all of the same color together without a
contrasting or complementary color pop around or among the plants, or the
addition of taller or shorter plants. You can use the same variety of
plant, and just use different shades of the same color or differeing
heights. You don't want a sea of the same color and height, unless it's a
filler or border. You want to keep the eye busy and interested, and show
off each type of plant. Arrange according to desired heights and colors in
each "section" or goup in your design. Pay attention to fences
and structures in the broader landscape, and tie them in by planting
around or on them with the same color palette and the addition of vines or
sculptures. Don't even think about leaving them unadorned. They need to
feel like part of the garden whether they are or not. Make use of
trellises and arbors. The structures will make the garden look bigger and
will tie the back/front yards together, as well as the gardens. Don't
ignore patios and doorways. Use fragrant plantings along paths.
planters and pots for as many plants as you can. These can be used as
entirely for your medicinal plants and will be easily appreciated and
cared for. This can also double the amount of space you have to plant
things into. They can be used for non-hardy ornamentals, as well, and
plants can be carried easily into the house to winter over. They're
awesome as vehicles for your houseplants to spend summers outdoors among
their friends. Your garden can then show off any plant. Even those that
aren't perennial.
is a medicinal and herbal garden design. All other things are ornamental.
Plant your medicinal plants among the ornamentals and tie it all together.
Those that have blooms should be planted near ornamental plants that bloom
in the same colors, or use as an accent or pop of foliage or bloom
color. Plant these medicinal in bowls, baskets and hanging planters, if
you have a structure. Spread the herb plantings in all parts of your
landscape. They don't have to be totally confined to your medicinal garden
the holes in the fabric when and where you intend to plant something.
Place the pots of plants on the fabric where you will want them,
re-arrange if necessary, then cut a hole, and plant. There are some types
that have precut holes. I don't use it because my spacing is generally
closer together than the holes. Use landscape achoring pins to keep it
down. I also place a few rocks on it to keep it down while i'm waiting to
plant so that the wind doesn't lift it.
ground cover plants, rocks, rubber mulch or gravel between them.
For plant spacing and how to care for these, use info on the plant label.
Plant the groundcover by plugging the plants in closely together (read
label for spacing and size of plants) after all the other plants, the
decor and statuary, and before mulching.
you are creating a combination Chinese Ornamental and Herbal Garden Design
into a landscape,
This list is for you...
perennial plants for your garden conditions (sun/shade/dry/wet) and choose
those that are hardy in your area if planting directly into the
ground. For pots and planters - anything you like can be grown for
your zone if you'll be bringing plants indoors for winter.
Try to grow dwarf ornamental trees and tall plants in pots.
You get more plants in less space, and you can "re-decorate"
your spaces by moving them around to your heart's content.
- Deep reds, white and yellow peonies. These
are a must-have in a fragrant, ornamental Asian garden.
- Yellow flowers, Chinese medicinal herb.
- cold hardy perennial.
Red, yellow and orange chrysanthemums. Grow the shorter, fuller
and mounding varieties and those with large blooms - like Football
Mums. Choose several types that bloom in succession from early to
late fall.
White, orange and yellow irises in differing patterns. There are
hundreds of varieties in all heights. Choose dwarfs or provide
support. The tall irises will definitely topple over and look
messy without it. Japanese irises are
perfect when grown in clusters in any Asian-style design.
White, yellow, dark orange and deep red lilies.
And lots of them - Trumpet or "spider" type flowers, all
heights. Choose mostly upright bloomrs. There is a tree-type
called "Orienpet" - perfect near a fence line. Not
really a tree, It grows to about 4-6 ft at maturity. These have a
long bloom time at different times between spring and fall.
Deep red and
white Giant Hardy Hibiscus
plants and Rose of Sharon Trees - It
would be hard to find a more beautiful and towering flowering
plant - stunning along a fence line, or staked in pots. Both are
hardy, and pollinators love them. Slow to start setting out leaves
or shoots. My Hardy Hibiscus tower to 6+ feet and bloom until the
frost kills them, or I cut them down. They die down to the ground.
I use the thick and fibrous dead stalks as kindling for my
firepit. Rose of Sharon should have all suckers pruned out when
you see them. I grow mine as small trees with one trunk.
Fast-growing, with long-lasting blooms mid-summer til fall.
Climbing vines with red, yellow or white flowers, and choose some
that produce berries. Jasmine vines and Trumpet vines are perfect.
vines - white and red varieties. I allow mine to
scramble up my Rose of Sharon Trees - they're pretty well behaved,
have thin vines, and they fill the gap between bloom times by
blooming most of spring and summer right on the tree as it climb.
It looks like it's actually part of that tree. Some bloom well
into fall.
Dwarf Chinese Wisteria Tree - white (tree form grows on one trunk,
do not get the invasive vines). I have 2 and they're staked in big
pots. Remove most reaching and vining "arms" as
they develop on the tree before fall to keep it short and
well-behaved. You can leave a few, but they are looking to attach
themselves to something, and they might find it.
Dwarf Chinese Fringe Tree - fragrant, feathery white blooms.
Camellias - white, red yellow and other colors. Beautiful
evergreen flowering tree with blooms that resemble roses in colder
months. Lovely fragrance, easy to grow.
Sweetspire (Itea)- white, very fragrant, pendulous blooms cover
this weeping shrub in mid-spring.
Dwarf Nandina
"Firepower" (nandina domestica) "Heavenly
Bamboo" - Is not a bamboo....
Neat, low-growing evergreen mounds with delicate leaves and stems
are beautiful as borders, massing in groups, and in containers.
Requires little care and no pruning. Beautiful foliage in dramatic
shades of red, yellow and orange. It bears red/orange berries in
the fall. The leaves resemble those of bamboo. Perfect for
all-season beauty. The birds will love you. I have a few in pots
as accent plants. Well-behaved and grows to only about 2 1/2 ft.
tall and wide.
Summersweet shrubs (clethra) - extremely fragrant, brush-like
blooms mid-late summer into fall.
Hydrangeas - choose dwarf shrubs with big, fat blooms. Choose
white or bold color or variegated leaves. Blooms summer til frost.
Dwarf Weeping Redbud - "Ruby Falls" is stunning with
large, purple-black, heart-shaped leaves on branches that weep.
Beautiful flowers all along the branches very early in spring.
Mine grow in pots. Slender tree fits in anywhere, and look great
on either side of a doorway or arch.
Dwarf Golden
Rain Tree - in a pot. Golden yellow pendulous blooms.
Ornamental Dwarf Japanese Plum - Pretty dark purple fruit and
foliage |
least one variety of potted dwarf Japanese
red maple
Dwarf white or yellow re-blooming Lilac
- All varieties are beautiful and create a butterfly
and hummingbird feast. My favorite dwarf variety is "Sweet
Scentsations" - I let these climb up posts and railings. Very
pretty yellow and white blooms spring til fall, and bright red
berries fall til killing frost.
Yellow, orange and white Agastache - a medicinal herb as well as
pollinator magnet. Leaves of most smell like mint. Hummingbirds
love them.
Yellow, red, white, orange and lime green Coneflowers (echinacea)
- medicinal plants and very pretty. Blooms all summer. Seed heads
feed the birds.
Any type of dwarf butterfly bush - Pot them, so that you can have
several. Monarch, Swallowtails and other butterflies visit these
all day.
Butterfly Weed - this comes in shades of red, orange and
yellow. These will bring Monarch Butterflies in droves. Crucial
for the survival of Monarchs.
I grow them in elevated garden beds for visibility, and to keep
them from spreading too far. Deadhead after flowering and remove
seeds that will blow around in the wind, (looks like dandelion
fluff) unless you're growing a habitat or large wildflower
conifers - in garden beds and as ground covers. And
larger weeping evergreen shrubs with yellow and green, or golden
foliage. This lends a very Asian and zen appeal to your healing
Small, yellow/green variegated varieties of Hosta.
Yellow and green or white and green variegated hardy dwarf
Use at the bases of potted plants, along trellises, in
windowboxes, in their own planters, or climbing up or over ugly
stuff in your dead trees, stumps chain link,
tumbling over walls and hiding immoveable objects you can't get
rid of. Grow in pots, or control their in-ground growth by tying
and pruning into shapes you desire.
Dwarf Bamboo in pots - The Clumping, not running, varieties. Keep
contained or grow in-ground and thin, when needed. Fargesia and
Rubra varieties work well. Beautiful focal or accent point in
Asian and Zen gardens. Check for varieties that are evergreen.
Use your potted indoor plants, like Jade and Aloe for the summer
months. Place on small plant stands and among bamboo and other
foliage plants. Very Zen.
Ornamental grasses -
Dwarf Japanese red bloodgrass,fescue, carex, dwarf fountain
grasses, dwarf papyrus. Especially pretty near your water
features. Some have plumes or blooms. Some grow well as small
mounds. Nandinas, Hosta and Bamboo are considered ornamental
Dwarf Black Lace Elderberry Shrub - the feathery dark
purple/almost black finely cut foliage looks stunning as an accent
or focal point. I grow mine in pots. Elderberry is a popular
herbal medicine.
Dwarf White Mulberry Shrubs in pots.
Goji Berry Shrub
"Sweetie Pie" dwarf blackberries in pots or raised beds.
Thornless, compact, and adds color and fruit.
Dwarf Citrus Trees (not hardy, and will need to winter indoors in
colder zones, but they're awesome house plants that produce
flowers and fruit for most of the year)
Dwarf Asian Pear, plum and pomegranate trees
Mints - You must grow all mints in pots because this plant is very
Campanula (Bellflower, "Poor Man's Ginseng")
Hyacinths - an amazing early spring show and wonderful fragrance -
white, peach, red, orange, yellow.
White, and all
shades of red, yellow and orange azaleas and rhododendrons
(beautiful flowering evergreens). Not only do they have big,
beautiful flowers that last a long time in vases, but the trunks
grow in fascinating shapes. They look beautiful when grown
together in an area. They bloom at the same time of year.
Dwarf, Weeping
Snowcherry Tree, Dwarf Weeping Japanese Cherry Tree, Dwarf
"Snow Fountain" weeping Cherry Tree
Chamomile -
daisy-like flowers, pretty, and awesome dried for a comforting
herbal tea. Most chamomiles spread, so plant these in containers. |
Growing Chinese medicinal plants
-The Plant Studies of Important Chinese Herbs
In Chinese herbology, there are 50 "fundamental" herbs.
is a listing of the
most important herbs used in Chinese Medicine that can be grown in the home
Information on the following plants is summarized from experimental trials at
High Falls Gardens, supplemental information related to plant names, plant
processing, and plant chemistry were verified using Foster and Chongxi (1992),
Duke and Ayensu (1985a, b), and Zhu (1998).
Your garden can be a much more simple design, containing garden plants that
are more popular and easier to find in the U.S. These were tested and reported
suggestions of important Chinese medicines used in holistic healing. Your garden
design can be ornamental with additions of a Chinese Herbal Medicine and
vegetable garden, or you can incorporate a Chinese Herbal Garden within a
decorative Holistic Theme Garden. You'll probably recognize many of the
plant names if you take herbal supplements.
**In terms of use of these natural medicines for healing and remedies,
you should consult a Chinese Traditional Medicine Practitioner,
or be
knowledgeable in herbalism and plant biology. None of these herbs are a
suggestion for use or determined to be a cure for any
illness - this information
is for gardening and educational purposes. Do not diagnose or treat yourself.
This is my required disclaimer.
Measurements are
listed below in centimeters.
Anemarrhenae asphodeloides Bunge, Liliaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Zhi mu "Know mother" |
Common English name |
none |
Annual/Perennial |
Herbaceous perennial |
Parts used |
Sliced rhizome |
Drug name |
Rhizoma Anemarrhenae |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
Classified as bitter and cold, Anemarrhena root is used to
clear heat, promote production of fluids, and relieve dryness, and is
recognized to have affinities with the lung, stomach and kidney
channels. |
Active constituents |
Contains steroid saponins & norlignans |
Propagation |
Propagated by division or seed |
Cultivation |
The plant reaches harvest stage in three years and seems pest-free
after six years of observation at High Falls Gardens. |
Plant spacing |
61 cm within rows |
Harvest information |
Rhizome/root harvested after 3 years & dried in sun. |
Processing |
The rootlets are removed from the rhizomes and rhizomes are then dried
in the sun. |
Mentha haplocalyx Briq. / M. arvensis L.,
Lamiaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Bo he |
Common English name |
Field mint |
Annual/Perennial |
Annual or perennial |
Parts used |
Aerial parts |
Drug name |
Herba Menthae |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
Mints, whether in herbal formulas, drinks, soups, or other food items,
functions to release to the exterior, that is, to direct the body energy
upward and outward. Bo he is used to dispel wind-heat, clear the head
and eyesight, treat headaches, pharyngolaryngitis, and measles. |
Active constituents |
Contains menthol & glucosides |
Propagation |
Propagated by cuttings |
Cultivation |
Similar to that of other mints, such as peppermint. |
Plant spacing |
91-122 cm within rows |
Harvest information |
Aerial parts harvested multiple time per season |
Processing |
After harvest, the plant material is dried in the sun or shade. |
Other comments |
Has a sharper and more metholated flavor than culinary mint. |
Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Lamiaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Huang qin |
Common English name |
Baikal skullcap |
Annual/Perennial |
Perennial |
Parts used |
Rhizomes |
Drug name |
Radix Scutellariae |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
Huang qin is one of the three "yellows, the most important
cooling herbs in the Chinese Materia Medica (the other two are huang
lian, Chinese coptis root, Coptis spp., and huang bai,
the inner bark of a tree, Phellodendron amurense). Considered to
cool the blood with affinities for the gall bladder, large intestine,
lung, and stomach channels, huang qin is used to clear heat and
dampness, treat fevers, stop bleeding, and prevent miscarriages. |
Active constituents |
Contains flavone derivatives |
Propagation |
Propagated by seed |
Cultivation |
This low-growing, sprawling plant seems to prefer a rock garden
habitat with plenty of sun; tolerates poor, alkaline soil. |
Plant spacing |
91 cm within rows |
Harvest information |
Root harvested after 3 to 4 years |
Processing |
Stir-fried with or without alcohol until dark brown. |
Trichosanthes kirilowii Max., Curcurbitaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Gua lou zi |
Common English name |
Chinese cucumber |
Annual/Perennial |
Herbaceous perennial |
Parts used |
Fruit pulp, fruit skins, seeds and root |
Drug name |
Fructus Trichosanthis, Radix Trichosanthis |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
The root removes heat from the body, moistens dryness, and facilitates
drainage of sores and abscesses. The fruit is used to remove heat,
eliminate phlegm, alleviate chest pain, and treat constipation. |
Active constituents |
Fruit contains triterpene saponins, root contains the protein
trichosanthin |
Propagation |
Propagated by seed or root division |
Cultivation |
A rich, well-drained, sandy-loam soil is preferred. Plants may be
trained on a trellis once vines reach 3 feet in length. |
Plant spacing |
91 cm within rows |
Harvest information |
Fruit harvested in early autumn, roots harvested in late autumn |
Processing |
Roots dried whole, peel and seeds dried separately |
Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus
(Bge.) Hsiao, Fabaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Huang qi |
Common English name |
Astragalus or milk vetch |
Annual/Perennial |
Perennial |
Parts used |
Root (root of A. membranaceous and A. membranaceous var.
mongholicus of are used, in other Astragulus spp. the
seeds are used) |
Drug name |
Radix Astragali |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
Both the root and seed are classified as sweet and warm. The root is
considered to elevate the Qi and affects the lung and spleen
channels, whereas the seed increases Yang and acts primarily on kidney
and liver channels. Huang qi is present in a wide variety of
formulas and is used in cooking to fortify soup stock. |
Active constituents |
Saponins, flavones, and polysaccharides |
Propagation |
Propagated by seed or cutting. Seeds must be scarified or soaked in
water, germination may be challenging |
Cultivation |
Astragalus is adaptable to a variety of growing conditions, a
sandy, well-drained soil is preferred. |
Plant spacing |
46-61 within rows |
Harvest information |
Roots harvested after 3 to 5 years |
Processing |
Dried roots are stir-fried with honey (1 part by weight to four parts
root) |
Other comments |
Work is being done with other species of Astragalus that are
used for their seed, such as sha yuan ji li, identified as Astragalus
complanatus (A. sinicus or A. chinensis). |
Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf.,
Campanulaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Dang shen |
Common English name |
Bellflower / poor man's ginseng |
Annual/Perennial |
Perennial |
Parts used |
Root |
Drug name |
Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
Dang shen is known as "poor man's ginseng" because
medicinal properties of the plant resemble those of the Asian species, Panax
ginseng (ren shen). Both dang shen and ren shen boost
the Qi and have an affinity with the lung and spleen channels. American
ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, is considered to have different
properties: xi yang shen "western seas root, nourishes the
Yin and works through the heart, kidney and lung channels. This is a
good example of traditional medicine making clear distinctions between
two closely related species, but recognizes close similarities across
genus and family lines. |
Active constituents |
Contains phytosterols & triterpenes |
Propagation |
Propagated by seed |
Cultivation |
Codonopsis is a climbing vine that grows well in part shade, plants
must be provided with a trellis |
Plant spacing |
30 cm within rows |
Harvest information |
Roots are harvested after 3 years |
Processing |
Roasted with millet (5:1, root:millet) |
Lycium chinense Mill., Solanaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Go qi zi |
Common English name |
Wolfberry or matrimony vine |
Annual/Perennial |
Perennial |
Parts used |
Fruits, root bark |
Drug name |
Fructus Lych, Cortex Lych radicis |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
Lycium yields two distinct medicinal portions. The fruits, go
qi zi, are considered sweet and neutral and to nourish the blood.
The root bark, di gu pi, "earth bone bark, is sweet and cold
and cools the blood. Both portions of the plant have affinity for the
liver, lung, and kidney channels. The fruit, which are dried like
raisins and sold in packages in Chinese supermarkets, have become part
of trendy trail mixes in the US. |
Active constituents |
Contains betaine & sesquiterpenes |
Propagation |
Propagated by cutting or seed |
Cultivation |
The plant, which resembles raspberry bushes in form and behavior,
yields fruit two to three years after planting. Yields are enhanced by
rigorous pruning. |
Plant spacing |
91-122 cm within rows |
Harvest information |
Berries are harvested several times per season, root bark may be
harvested in late fall or early spring |
Processing |
Calyxes are removed from the fruit; root bark is washed and then dried
in the sun and cut into sections. |
Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill.,
Magnoliaceae |
Common Chinese name |
Wu wei zi / five flavor fruit |
Common English name |
none |
Annual/Perennial |
Perennial |
Parts used |
Berries |
Drug name |
Fructus Schisandrae |
Traditional uses in Chinese medicine |
The fruit, characterized as sour and warm with heart, kidney, and lung
affinities, is used to stabilize and bind. Schisandra berries are
used in a wide range of formulas, particularly for patients over 35, and
are popular for commercial products in the US. |
Active constituents |
Fruit and seed contain lignans and essential oil |
Propagation |
Propagated by seed or cutting |
Cultivation |
Schisandra is a hardy, woody, vine. The fruit are
borne on old wood in gradually increasing numbers of wild grape-sized
clusters three years after planting. Cultivation requirements bear
similarities to those of wine grapes. |
Plant spacing |
61 cm within rows |
Harvest information |
Berries are harvested multiple times per season |
Processing |
The berries are collected in autumn and dried in the sun; berries may
also be steamed before being sun-dried. |
Easy To Grow
Traditional Chinese Medicinal Plants
here to download a free .pdf format file
for a comprehensive
list of medicinal perennials (hardy to Zone 6) that are easy to grow.
Compiled from Bensky's Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica. The list was
created by Mountain
Meadows Farms.
You can grow these plants successfully in many zones.
- Check the plants you wish to grow against the USDA Cold Hardiness Map for your
zone to be sure that plants you choose will grow and thrive.
Buddhist Medicine Buddha - there are
many Buddhas, and although not Chinese, the Tibetan Medicine Buddha
deserves a place in a garden all about Zen, healing and medicine. Other
Buddhas are shown on this page--->
The Tibetan
Medicine Buddha is dark blue in color, with with the right hand
held in the gesture of supreme generosity, holding a plant
(terminalia chebula).
The left hand is
placed in the lap in the gesture of meditation, supporting a black
begging bowl of monks, that is filled with nectar.
This Buddha is adorned
with the patchwork robes of an ordained monk, the left arm
covered, and he is seated above a lotus and lion-supported tiered
The Medicine Buddha is
known for his healing meditative absorption, which removes the
sufferings of disease that arise from the various kinds of ignoble
thoughts in the minds of all beings.
He elucidated the
means to cure illnesses, and embodies the force of motivation that
can ease the pain of anyone who merely hears his name. |
Article, graphics,
and garden designs ©2021™
All rights reserved.
Research and Reference Sources:
Beth Israel Lahey Health, Winchester Hospital
Craker, L.E. and J. Giblette. 2002, Chinese Medicinal Herbs:
Opportunities for Domestic Production
Purdue University Horticultural Dept.
Zhu, Y. 1998. Chinese materia medica: Chemistry, pharmacology, and applications.
Harwood Academic Publications, Amsterdam.
Bensky's Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica, 3rd Edition
Tibetan Thangka art found in the public domain