My Dwarf Red Dragon Weeping
Maple - Grows to only 4-6 feet


This sapling made it through winter grown in a pot.



Red Japanese Maple and budding peony shrubs |

Planting A Japanese Maple In A Pot
Keep in mind when you place your tree into the landscape that
sun and afternoon shade suits most maples. Wind and hot
sun can wipe a small tree out in no time, regardless of the variety.
Leaves will show signs of stress with burning on the tips. Sometimes the
roots will become sun baked and the stress will show up in the leaves as
if there has been too much sun or wind. Maples are thin-barked and can be
sun scalded during the first year or two after transplanting. This injury
can set the trees growth back considerably. Most maple species are
naturally under story plants, we've brought them into
the open landscape.
Japanese maples prefer to be somewhat snug in a container. If too much
soil is allowed to sit around the root ball there is a greater chance of
the soil becoming too saturated with water, which can lead to root rot.
This seems to be particularly true for smaller maples in containers.
So it is best not to use a container that is too big for your tree. As
a general rule, use a container no larger than twice the diameter of the root ball
and half again as deep. Another way to look at this is not
to go more than double the volume of the root ball. As the plant becomes
larger, planting in wine barrels or other large containers is a great way
to use the maple as an accent on your patio, front porch or backyard.
After two or three years in a container, your tree will benefit from
a root pruning and fresh soil. The outer layer of roots can be
pruned or cut off with a saw or sharp knife. Those long, tangled roots
around the edge of the pot are not necessary for the plant’s growth.
Only the root tips take up water and nutrients. If you are returning
the plant to the same pot, remove enough root ends so you can incorporate
some soil around the perimeter. There is no need to disturb the
center of the root ball.
Start to add a good layer of soil to
the pot forming a slight well in the center, as acers prefer their roots
to be quite shallow.
Use the largest pot you can find, at
least 5 gallon size (or 14-inches and larger) and make sure there are
holes for drainage. Put your container into position in the garden, as it
will be too heavy to move once the tree is planted.
If the compost feels dry to the touch
immerse the plastic pot in a bucket of water to ensure your new tree is
refreshed before planting. Gently ease it out of the pot and loosen the
roots so they're not compressed.
Position the tree in the well. Fill in
the gaps around the roots with soil, pressing down as you go. Make sure
the surface is level and the tree is well anchored. The smoothed surface
of the soil should be a few inches below the top of the pot.
This means that the soil won’t flood out when you water it.
Water the tree well, then keep it
watered during any dry spells for the first year until it’s fully
established. Your tree will need repotting into a slightly bigger
container every few years. Do this in April.
The best time to plant dwarf Japanese Maples or any trees
in pots is in early spring or autumn. This is because the weather is still
cool, so it won't dry out but also because the ground isn't too hard from
the frosts. I prefer to plant them outdoors in pots in spring. Plants in
pots are way different than plants in the ground. In a much smaller space,
I think they'll get too cold too fast when frost arrives. I want them to
have a head start with strong root systems before being left on their own
outdoors all winter. I won't be bringing them inside.
All of my Japanese Maples make it through our zone 6
winters without a whimper, and come spring, they're growing buds
in March, and leaves in April. I don't wrap or cover them. They stay in
their pots with the layer of mulch that they always have to protect their
roots. It is advised to wrap them for winter protection, but I have had no
harm to my trees by not wrapping them. If I know we'll have awful weather
coming, I use frost protection bags over the trees. They have a drawstring
at the bottom. Just put the bag on them and secure the drawstring.
Watering your plants before ice and snowstorms works for me, as well.
Water is an insulator and gives off heat, and it can protect your plant's
roots from freezing. To protect the leaves, use the bags.
These maples are happy in all soils, even chalky ones. Heavy clay can be a
problem as they dislike waterlogged roots, so be sure to incorporate some
organic matter into the hole at planting time. And don’t overdo the
They’re fairly easy to grow. A sheltered spot out of
strong wind is best. Potting your tree into a container twice as big as
the pot it is supplied in will give the roots ample room to spread out. Dwarf
varieties will thrive in pots and are perfect for small outdoor spaces,
like terraces, patios, decks, courtyards, and balconies. As long as you
keep it in a spot out of cold winds, they will grow happily in pots for
many years. Re-pot every couple of years to help keep them healthy.
You can choose upright varieties or more sprawling,
weeping-shaped branches. Go for taller varieties if you're looking to add
some height to your garden. If you have an upright tree that's you want to
dwarf, pruning and shaping each year, as you would a bonsai (without
pruning roots), you can have just about any height bareroot plant and
prune to keep it short and the shape you like. For example, if you
purchased a tree that grows to 10 feet, and you want to keep it at less
than 8, it's easy enough. They grow fairly slowly, so there's not a lot of
Water during droughts while the tree establishes itself.
Since living in a pot keeps the tree's roots from seeking and finding
nutrients in the ground, feed in early spring when the buds and leaves
appear, and every 2 weeks until the end of August. Then stop fertilizing
until spring. You don't want the tree to grow teeny leaves or new growth
that will be frozen off with your first frost. I use 2 organic fertilizers
that my trees love. I alternate epsom salts diluted with water or
scattered in the pots, and I use Fish Emulsion diluted at the roots, or
applied to the foliage.
I've had spectacular results with these
fertilizers on all of my plants and trees. You can read
about it here.
Mulch is a good friend of your maple. Mulch protects the roots from the
heat in summer, the cold in winter and reduces the frequency of watering.
Apply a loose mulch, such as wood chips or pine needles over the planted
area to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Be sure to keep mulch several inches
away from the trunk of the tree. I "mulch" most of my potted
trees with "spillers"
and groundcovers.
Most maples do not require any fertilizer. Once the maple has established a strong root system it will begin
putting on top growth. This sometimes takes one to two years.
Never put fertilizers such as dry pellets or fertilizer
spikes containing nitrogen, when planting a maple in the back fill
because root injury may result. Be careful with top dressed granular
fertilizers which can sometimes release too much fertilizer at a time and
thus cause damage to your tree.
Fall and winter are a common time to prune and shape most deciduous
trees and shrubs – exceptions to this are maples because they will bleed
or ooze sap. When maples are pruned in late winter or early spring
the wounds may flow with sap. If heavy sap flow occurs, pruning should be
delayed until it stops or wait until midsummer. This flow of sap can lead
to disease invasion and weakening of the tree.
The trees should not be
pruned is during early spring when buds are breaking during leaf expansion
or in late autumn because the wound won’t have enough time to heal
before winter conditions of freezing or dampness. Maples should be given a
thorough pruning every three years and minor “touch up” pruning
annually. A thorough pruning involves removing dead limbs, crossing
branches (or branches that will cross in the future). A certain number of
branch tips will have died back and these tips can be snapped off with
your fingers, or larger branches cut with a pruning tool.
Remove any shoots growing from the base of the plant whose leaves look
different from the rest of the plant. Maples are grafted onto an
understock that in most cases will be more vigorous than the grafted
scion. If left to grow, this shoot will take over and out compete
the main tree.
Give newly-planted trees and shrubs only minimal pruning. Removing too
much top affects the production of food energy (carbohydrates) and can
result in poor root development. After planting, prune out broken branches.
With young trees, leave some of
the lower limbs and sprouts even though they will be removed later. These
limbs provide the closest source of food energy for root development.
More Cold Hardy
Japanese Maples For My Northern Friends....
These are hardy at least to Zone 6.
Many are dwarf enough enough to spend years in pots, and are easy to keep
short with pruning..
* = trees i grow
*Dwarf Red Dragon Weeping Maple - Grows to only
4-6 feet. My best and favorite dwarf so far. Zones 5-8.
Red Dragon' is a compact, slow-growing, dissected form that typically
matures over time in an upright-pendulous mound to 4-6' tall. Leaves
emerge bright cherry red in spring, mature to burgundy red in summer
before finally changing to crimson red in fall. Leaves retain good color
throughout the growing season. Purple leaf stalks. Dissected leaves
resemble the claws of a dragon. This graceful, small tree creates a focal
point or accent for lightly shaded gardens, and is ideal for containers.
It drapes beautifully in a decorative pot.
*Orangeola Weeping Laceleaf Japanese Maple-
Zones 5-9. Outstanding laceleaf. Orangeola is known for its bright spring
foliage and its delicately cascading branches. The leaves have a somewhat
glossy appearance. The orange leaves turn to red-green as summer
approaches. Weeks later, a new flush of orange leaves arrive and continue
throughout the summer. As the fall season arrives, Orangeola's leaves turn
dark red before turning a beautiful orange-red. Orangeola performs well in
the sun, especially compared to other laceleaf cultivars. Orangeola is a
vigorous grower, yet is one of the smaller laceleaf dissectums at 6-10
Waterfall – A short tree at 6 to 8
feet, this Japanese maple gets its name from the domed, cascading shape of
its branches. Its delicate leaves are green through spring and summer but
turn stunning shades of red and yellow in the fall.
*Mikawa Yatsubusa – A dwarf tree that
reaches only 3 to 4 feet in height. Its large, layered leaves stay green
through spring and summer then change to purple and red in the fall.
*Inaba-shidare – Reaching 6 to 8
feet tall and usually a little wider, this tree’s delicate leaves
are deep red in the summer and shocking red in the fall.
Aka Shigitatsu Sawa – 7 to 9 feet
tall, this tree’s leaves are a medley of red and green in the summer and
bright red in the fall.
Shindeshojo – 10 to 12 feet. this tree’s small leaves go from
pink in the spring to green/pink in the summer to bright red in the fall.
Coonara Pygmy – 8 feet tall,
this tree’s leaves emerge pink in spring, fade to green, then burst into
orange in the fall.
Hogyoku – 15 feet tall, its green
leaves turn bright orange in the fall. It tolerates heat very well.
*Koto-no-ito – 6 to 9 feet, its
leaves form three long, thin lobes that emerge slightly red in spring,
turn green in summer, then turn bright yellow in the fall.
Winterizing your maple if you live
where there are particularly severe winter conditions
Choose sites out of the
wind as much as possible. You can minimize weather
problems by picking a good planting site with stable temperatures.
Planting near buildings and along inner fence lines helps stabilize
Do not fertilize into late
summer. Make the last feeding of the season at least two
months before you expect the first frost to avoid damage to late new
Water heavily
just prior to freeze. If autumn rains have been
insufficient, give your plants a deep soaking to supply water to the
entire root system before the ground freezes. Deep-soaking will help
to guard against water loss in winter.
Wrap Japanese maples with
burlap (if you experience heavy snows)
for at least the first three years. Snow falling in the colder climates
can both protect and endanger plants. A good snow cover will insulate the
soil similar to a mulch. However snow accumulating on Japanese maple
branches will weigh them down, risking breakage. *I mulch the bases, but I
haven't needed to wrap the trees (zone 6).
A Japanese Maple requires little
pruning. It's really a low maintenance tree. Your tree will grow into an
eye-catching shape if you let it develop naturally on its own. As autumn comes to an end you might need to give it a
quick trim by snipping off any dead twigs. If you feel it's growing too
tall or spreading further than you’d like, simply snip back any unwanted
growth back to a side branch.
Growing Dwarf Japanese
Maples in Pots has become a little hobby for me, sort of a big bonsai, and
they're very beautiful and easy to care for. Try It! They can fit into
your garden designs just about anywhere.
Additional sources:
This Old House
Gardening Know How
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