small root”—Aristolochia serpentaria—Virginia or black
snakeroot: Decoction of root blown upon patient for fever and
feverish headache, and drunk for coughs; root chewed and spit upon
wound to cure snake bites; bruised root placed in hollow tooth for
toothache, and held against nose made sore by constant blowing in
colds. Dispensatory: “A stimulant tonic, acting also as a
diaphoretic or diuretic, according to the mode of its application; * *
* also been highly recommended in intermittent fevers, and though
itself generally inadequate to the cure often proves serviceable as an
adjunct to Peruvian bark or sulphate of quinia.” Also used for
typhous diseases, in dyspepsia, as a gargle for sore throat, as a mild
stimulant in typhoid fevers, and to promote eruptions. The genus
derives its scientific name from its supposed efficacy in promoting
menstrual discharge, and some species have acquired the “reputation
of antidotes for the bites of serpents.”
2. UNISTIL´ÛnISTÎ =“they
stick on”—Cynoglossum Morrisoni—Beggar lice: Decoction of root
or top drunk for kidney troubles; bruised root used with bear oil as
an ointment for cancer; forgetful persons drink a decoction of this
plant, and probably also of other similar bur plants, from an idea
that the sticking qualities of the burs will thus be imparted to the
memory. From a similar connection of ideas the root is also used in
the preparation of love charms. Dispensatory: Not named. C. officinale
“has been used as a demulcent and sedative in coughs, catarrh,
spitting of blood, dysentery, and diarrhea, and has been also applied
externally in burns, ulcers, scrofulous tumors and goiter.”
3. ÛnNAGÉI=“black”—Cassia
Marilandica—Wild senna: Root bruised and moistened with water for
poulticing sores; decoction drunk for fever and for a disease also
called ûnnage´i, or “black” (same name as plant), in
which the hands and eye sockets are said to turn black; also for a
disease described as similar to ûnnagei, but more
dangerous, in which the eye sockets become black, while black spots
appear on the arms, legs, and over the ribs on one side of the body,
accompanied by partial paralysis, and resulting in death should the
black spots appear also on the other side. Dispensatory: Described as
“an efficient and safe cathartic, * * * most conveniently given in
the form of infusion.”
4. KÂSD´ÚTA=“simulating
ashes,” so called on account of the appearance of the
leaves—Gnaphalium decurrens—Life everlasting: Decoction drunk for
colds; also used in the sweat bath for various diseases and considered
one of their most valuable medical plants. Dispensatory: Not named.
Decoctions of two other species of this genus are mentioned as used by
country people for chest and bowel diseases, and for hemorrhages,
bruises, ulcers, etc., although “probably possessing little
medicinal virtue.”
5. ALTSA´STI=“a wreath for the
head”—Vicia Caroliniana—Vetch: Decoction drunk for dyspepsia and
pains in the back, and rubbed on stomach for cramp; also rubbed on
ball-players after scratching, to render their muscles tough, and used
in the same way after scratching in the disease referred to under ûnnagei,
in which one side becomes black in spots, with partial paralysis; also
used in same manner in decoction with Kâsduta for rheumatism;
considered one of their most valuable medicinal herbs. Dispensatory:
Not named.
6. DISTAI´YĬ=“they (the
roots) are tough”—Tephrosia Virginiana—Catgut, Turkey Pea,
Goat’s Rue, or Devil’s Shoestrings: Decoction drunk for lassitude.
Women wash their hair in decoction of its roots to prevent its
breaking or falling out, because these roots are very tough and hard
to break; from the same idea ball-players rub the decoction on their
limbs after scratching, to toughen them. Dispensatory: Described as a
cathartic with roots tonic and aperient.
pus oozes out”—Euphorbia hypericifolia—Milkweed: Juice rubbed on
for skin eruptions, especially on children’s heads; also used as a
purgative; decoction drunk for gonorrhœa and similar diseases in both
sexes, and held in high estimation for this purpose; juice used as an
ointment for sores and for sore nipples, and in connection with other
herbs for cancer. Dispensatory: The juice of all of the genus has the
property of “powerfully irritating the skin when applied to it,”
while nearly all are powerful emetics and cathartics. This species
“has been highly commended as a remedy in dysentery after due
depletion, diarrhea, menorrhagia, and leucorrhea.”
becomes discolored when bruised”—Scutellaria
lateriflora—Skullcap. The name refers to the red juice which comes
out of the stalk when bruised or chewed. A decoction of the four
varieties of Gûnigwalĭ´skĭ—S. lateriflora, S. pilosa,
Hypericum corymbosum, and Stylosanthes elatior—is drunk to promote
menstruation, and the same decoction is also drunk and used as a wash
to counteract the ill effects of eating food prepared by a woman in
the menstrual condition, or when such a woman by chance comes into a
sick room or a house under the tabu; also drunk for diarrhea and used
with other herbs in decoction for breast pains. Dispensatory: This
plant “produces no very obvious effects,” but some doctors regard
it as possessed of nervine, antispasmodic and tonic properties. None
of the other three species are named.
9. K´GA SKÛnTAGĬ=“crow
shin”—Adiantum pedatum—Maidenhair Fern: Used either in decoction
or poultice for rheumatism and chills, generally in connection with
some other fern. The doctors explain that the fronds of the different
varieties of fern are curled up in the young plant, but unroll and
straighten out as it grows, and consequently a decoction of ferns
causes the contracted muscles of the rheumatic patient to unbend and
straighten out in like manner. It is also used in decoction for fever.
Dispensatory: The leaves “have been supposed to be useful in chronic
catarrh and other pectoral affections.”
removes things from the gums”—Geranium maculatum—Wild Alum,
Cranesbill: Used in decoction with Yânû Unihye´stĭ (Vitis
cordifolia) to wash the mouths of children in thrush; also used alone
for the same purpose by blowing the chewed fiber into the mouth.
Dispensatory: “One of our best indigenous astringents. * * *
Diarrhea, chronic dysentery, cholora infantum in the latter stages,
and the various hemorrhages are the forms of disease in which it is
most commonly used.” Also valuable as “an application to indolent
ulcers, an injection in gleet and leucorrhea, a gargle in relaxation
of the uvula and aphthous ulcerations of the throat.” The other
plant sometimes used with it is not mentioned.
11. Û´nLĔ UKĬ´LTĬ=“the
locust frequents it”—Gillenia trifoliata—Indian Physic. Two
doctors state that it is good as a tea for bowel complaints, with
fever and yellow vomit; but another says that it is poisonous and that
no decoction is ever drunk, but that the beaten root is a good
poultice for swellings. Dispensatory: “Gillenia is a mild and
efficient emetic, and like most substances belonging to the same class
occasionally acts upon the bowels. In very small doses it has been
thought to be tonic.”
12. SKWA´LĬ=Hepatica
acutiloba—Liverwort, Heartleaf: Used for coughs either in tea or by
chewing root. Those who dream of snakes drink a decoction of this herb
and I´natû Ga´n‘ka=“snake tongue” (Camptosorus rhizophyllus
or Walking Fern) to produce vomiting, after which the dreams do not
return. The traders buy large quantities of liverwort from the
Cherokees, who may thus have learned to esteem it more highly than
they otherwise would. The appearance of the other plant, Camptosorus
rhizophyllus, has evidently determined its Cherokee name and the use
to which it is applied. Dispensatory: “Liverwort is a very mild
demulcent tonic and astringent, supposed by some to possess diuretic
and deobstruent virtues. It was formerly used in Europe in various
complaints, especially chronic hepatic affections, but has fallen into
entire neglect. In this country, some years since, it acquired
considerable reputation, which, however, it has not maintained as a
remedy in hæmoptysis and chronic coughs.” The other plant is not
13. DA´YEWÛ=“it sews itself
up,” because the leaves are said to grow together again when
torn—Cacalia atriplicifolia—Tassel Flower: Held in great repute as
a poultice for cuts, bruises, and cancer, to draw out the blood or
poisonous matter. The bruised leaf is bound over the spot and
frequently removed. The dry powdered leaf was formerly used to
sprinkle over food like salt. Dispensatory: Not named.
14. A´TALĬ KÛLĬ´=“it
climbs the mountain.”—Aralia quinquefolia—Ginseng or “Sang:”
Decoction of root drunk for headache, cramps, etc., and for female
troubles; chewed root blown on spot for pains in the side. The
Cherokees sell large quantities of sang to the traders for 50 cents
per pound, nearly equivalent there to two days’ wages, a fact which
has doubtless increased their idea of its importance. Dispensatory:
“The extraordinary medical virtues formerly ascribed to ginseng had
no other existence than in the imagination of the Chinese. It is
little more than a demulcent, and in this country is not employed as a
medicine.” The Chinese name, ginseng, is said to refer to the
fancied resemblance of the root to a human figure, while in the
Cherokee formulas it is addressed as the “great man” or “little
man,” and this resemblance no doubt has much to do with the
estimation in which it is held by both peoples.
scales,” from shape of leaves—Thalictrum anemonoides—Meadow Rue:
Decoction of root drunk for diarrhea with vomiting. Dispensatory: Not
16. K´KWĔ ULASU´LA=“partridge
moccasin”—Cypripedium parviflorum—Lady-slipper: Decoction of
root used for worms in children. In the liquid are placed some stalks
of the common chickweed or purslane (Cerastium vulgatum) which, from
the appearance of its red fleshy stalks, is supposed to have some
connection with worms. Dispensatory: Described as “a gentle nervous
stimulant” useful in diseases in which the nerves are especially
affected. The other herb is not named.
17. A´HAWĬ´ AKĂ´TĂ´=“deer
eye,” from the appearance of the flower—Rudbeckia fulgida—Cone
Flower: Decoction of root drunk for flux and for some private
diseases; also used as a wash for snake bites and swellings caused by
(mythic) tsgâya or worms; also dropped into weak or inflamed eyes.
This last is probably from the supposed connection between the eye and
the flower resembling the eye. Dispensatory: Not named.
18. UTĬSTUGĬ´=Polygonatum
multiflorum latifolium—Solomon’s Seal: Root heated and bruised and
applied as a poultice to remove an ulcerating swelling called tu´stĭ´,
resembling a boil or carbuncle. Dispensatory: “This species acts
like P. uniflorum, which is said to be emetic. In former times it was
used externally in bruises, especially those about the eyes, in
tumors, wounds, and cutaneous eruptions and was highly esteemed as a
cosmetic. At present it is not employed, though recommended by Hermann
as a good remedy in gout and rheumatism.” This species in decoction
has been found to produce “nausea, a cathartic effect and either
diaphoresis or diuresis,” and is useful “as an internal remedy in
piles, and externally in the form of decoction, in the affection of
the skin resulting from the poisonous exhalations of certain
19. ĂMĂDITA‘TÌ=“water
dipper,” because water can be sucked up through its hollow
stalk—Eupatorium purpureum—Queen of the Meadow, Gravel Root: Root
used in decoction with a somewhat similar plant called Ămăditá´tĭ
û´tanu, or “large water dipper” (not identified) for difficult
urination. Dispensatory: “Said to operate as a diuretic. Its vulgar
name of gravel root indicates the popular estimation of its
virtues.” The genus is described as tonic, diaphoretic, and in large
doses emetic and aperient.
20. YÂNA UTSĔSTA=“the bear
lies on it”—Aspidium acrostichoides—Shield Fern: Root decoction
drunk to produce vomiting, and also used to rub on the skin, after
scratching, for rheumatism—in both cases some other plant is added
to the decoction; the warm decoction is also held in the mouth to
relieve toothache.
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