Italy has more than 25 million acres of
farmland which produce a variety of vegetables and fruits that are major
components of the country's cuisine. Gardening and fresh produce is an
important part of the Italian lifestyle, particularly home
gardens. Italy has well-known fruits and vegetables that
flourish in its rich soil.
The Tuscan garden is a good choice of Italian
garden style and the style can suit all budgets and many natural
gardening philosophies. If you or your family are of Italian
descent, you'll love the nostalgia and mediterranean feel of a
traditional Italian ornamental fruit and flower garden.
Wildflower meadows were encouraged in order to
provide hay for the farm animals, and many beautiful wildflower
pastures can still be seen, overflowing with poppies and wild
mustard. Tuscan farmers' wives can still be seen collecting fresh herbs
from these wildflower meadows in order to feed, fatten and flavor the
meat of their rabbits and to create natural medicines from their
natural garden medicine cupboard. Wild Tuscan flower meadows once
provided everything that the modern pharmacy supplies: cures for
colds, fevers, and many other ailments. Old terracotta urns,
once used to store wine and olive oil, can now be found around
farmyards, planted with geraniums or sedums.
To begin your Italian-Style ornamental and fruit tree
garden, begin with the fruit trees and shrubs, then make your way to the
traditional Italian garden flowers and ornamental focal points.
Make a list of what you love to eat, not just what you
want the garden to look like. You can "see" a Mediterranean
terrace, but you will want to "eat" an Italian fruit garden.
While sitting on that terrace.
It was fascinating to view photos of gardens in Italy
and realize that most of their gardens contain potted plants and trees.
My favorite type of gardening these days. It has so much decorative
possibility, and it makes your garden portable and easy to care for. My
grandmother, an Italian immigrant, worked the potted garden idea when
she came to America, for her teeny-space NYC garden. The one on the fire
escape outside her kitchen window. Lots of clay pots filled with basil,
oregano, tomatoes and everything she needed to make her spaghetti sauce.
I grew up with a distinct affinity for clay pots.
Don't make it part of a vegetable garden or vice versa. Add herb and
berry plants and flowers around the trees, but leave the Italian
Vegetable Garden and the salads to their own domain. The Italian
backyard orchard garden should not only provide fruit, but it should
also provide a restful and beautiful place to entertain and retreat to.
Your little piece of Tuscany or an Italian countryside in an urban
setting is awesome. Yes, I'm aware that tomatoes are fruits, but since
it's not a sweet treat, I relegate that to the veggies garden with the
basil and oregano.
The first thing you must begin with is that focal
point.... The stone or stone-look fountain or Roman artifact. Even a
large, ornate birdbath. Around which your garden
design will grow. Or more than one. And perhaps you can tuck in a few
Roman statues of gods and goddesses. Not too big, just something to
stand out in your orchard landscape. If you grow grapes on an arbor,
have A plaque or bust of Bacchus, a Mary nook, the stone urns
embellished with grapes. If you have a
fence, you're blessed. There are small, decorative wall plaques with
Roman and agricultural themes, and ornamental fonts you can hang. There
are solar wall fountains that are purely ornamental, but the sound of
water is quite soothing in lieu of oceanfront.
Second ornamental consideration would be the seating arrangement or bistro table and chairs. If
you already have a few full-ground trees, you need a curved cement
If you are interested in incorporating a little sacred
Mary Garden into your plan, click here
to read about the custom and how to grow one. You only need
a teeny nook for a dedicated Mary Garden within your landscape. It's a
very beautiful tradition in many European gardens. It doesn't matter how
small it is, it can even be part of a balcony garden, or a large
succulent pot, as long as a statue of Mary, big or small, is in it.
If you are designing a Mediterranean
courtyard, terrace or patio garden, click
here to see how to do it.
A couple of big, Italian-style urn planters to accent the rows of plain
pots, or to use around your fountain.
Big Clay Pots - Use these large pots and line them along a path or
against a fence to grow hardy trees and shrubs. If you feel like moving
trees indoors that aren't hardy to your area, get the fake plastic or
resin type and plant dollies. It's best to acquire cold-hardy varieties
of fruit trees, or take up the Italian tradition of dressing your fig
trees like burlap scarecrows tied with clotheslines and with
buckets on their heads for hats. Or up-ending and trenching them over
the winter.
Read about the traditions here.
You need small or large paths around anything, mostly around or between
the garden beds. I like tile, terracotta or brick, cobblestones,
or a combination of these. Anything that looks rustic or ancient. You can grow an orchard complete with flowers
and small fruit shrubs and berries, in pots or in-ground or anywhere
in-between, and create paths as you go along.
A reminder..... dwarf fruit trees are just
pint-sized trees with full-sized fruit, and they bear fruit in half the
time as standards. Just so you know. The crops may be a wee bit smaller.
If that's an issue.......Plant More Trees!
You can keep most trees pruned to the height and width you want, or
espalier them. So pack them into your backyard orchards.. I have an edge
because of my heritage, and I know what grows and thrives in Italian
backyards in my hardiness zone. Sometimes, I've seen fruit trees defy
the laws of hardiness and make it through northern winters, with and
without protection. But that's the exception, not the rule.
What to grow - Traditional
Italian Flowers and Succulents
Check the USDA cold hardiness map for
your area to decide what variety of fruit, and which varieties of
flowers will thrive in your region over the winter. You can bring the
non-hardy indoors for the winter and stick them in a cold basement or
garage when they go dormant, but that's a pain in the neck. Been there.
Most fruit trees are available in hardy varieties. Except most citrus
trees. You'd have to find a hybrid or haul them around. Mediterranean
gardens will generally mean plants that like living in a warmer
region, near water.
Aloe Vera
Opuntia Cactus
Climbing Roses
Alpine Pasque Flower
Gentian |
Giant Daisy
- Particularly Madonna and other varieties of white
lilies like "Casa Blanca", For
The Virgin Mary.. |
Fruit Trees
Quince trees are a
cousin of the apple and pear tree, and are hardy in
USDA zones 5 through 9. Growing quince trees is easy, as long as you can
provide appropriate conditions. Choose a sunny location with fertile
soil. Quinces adapt to wet or dry soils but perform best when the soil
is well-drained.
The tree itself has character, tending to grow into an
irregular shape with twisted branches. Its flowers, which appear in
June, are single, large and pink-white. The large fruits ripen to
golden-yellow and it has strikingly large leaves, which are grey and
furry underneath. The fruit itself is yummy. Quince might have been the
fruit with which the serpent tempted Eve, rather than the apple. Quince
trees live a long time, and four really old-timers live in the Cloisters
Museum in NYC.
The fruit has to be cooked, because it's too hard to
eat fresh. if you stew it in a pan it will cook in about fifteen
minutes. Its slightly spicy, intensely rich flavor combines excellently
with apples or dried fruit. The fruits smells like pineapple. A bowl of
quinces will scent a room.
Quince will tolerate most soils. If planting
in-ground, light soils should have plenty of compost added before
planting and a thick organic mulch applied every year. It could be
trained against a wall and recently a patio Quince has been developed
for smaller spaces and pots. Being self-fertile, only one tree is
needed. Once established, quince trees need very little pruning, and
pruning should be done in winter.
The fruit ripens gradually to a rich yellow and it
should be left on the tree as long as possible to allow the flavor and
perfume to develop. Ideally this means until the end of October. If
frosts threaten, gather them before the cold gets them. Storing demands
a little thought since their perfume will affect any fruit stored
nearby. Put them where they don't touch each other, and check regularly
for rot. The fruit will keep for around 3 months. Quince can used in
savory dishes to accompany meat, but also to make a cheese or jelly, and
is the secret to a really awesome apple pie. I read that you'll never
again want to eat one without quince added in.
(Dwarf Everbearing) Mulberry Trees in pots
Hardy in USDA zones 5-10
Valuable in the Italian Tuscan style garden. I have 4 dwarf trees. They
are available as shrubs or trained as trees. They grow very fast and are
messy from the fruit dropping (they just fall at the slightest shake or
just drop if they're ripe), so don't have them over your roof, walkways
or driveways. If not dwarfed, these can get quite large. The berries are
very sweet and delicious and make great desserts, jams and cordials.
They're quite cold hardy and need frequent pruning to keep them in shape
and in bounds. They're tasty enough to be worth it. The mulberry tree (Morus
alba) is almost always present in the authentic Tuscan garden.
It’s leaves were collected and sold to the silk industry in order to
feed the silk worm that has a preference for the Mulberry leaves. This
provided the Tuscan farmer with one of his only cash crops. The mulberry
lives for many years and stands near most old Tuscan farmhouses.

Lemons are one of the most common fruit trees
in Italian gardens, for cooking, medicinal use or ornamental purposes.
The fruit grows slowly on the trees from a light green to a bright
yellow, large fruit with a thick rind. They grow in sunny
areas and must be brought indoors for regions with cold winters. Lemon
trees grow well in the southern areas of the country, and the flavor will
vary from sweet to sour to tangy depending on the surrounding soil and
Lemons are used not only for decoration, but eaten fresh, used
in seasoning (for the acidic flavor), grilling, made into juice and
added to beverages. I have a few dwarf lemon trees in pots that have to
come inside for the winter (zone 6). They don't go dormant, and they
don't drop their leaves. They make exceptionally pretty house trees in
the winter, with their glossy leaves. They don't really take up much
room and they bloom like crazy, spreading fragrant joy when you walk by.
Mine are Dwarf Meyer Lemon trees, now outside for spring, summer and
early fall. I have a few teeny lemons already growing on the stems that
flowered. By the way, they are self-fertile so you only need one tree.
They come in again before the first hard frost to decorate my home in
the dreary months until spring.
Many Italian gardeners used chicken manure that has
been soaked for 10 days in a trashcan full of water. This makes a
strong, effective and organic liquid fertilizer for lemon trees.
Lemon trees require some light pruning of the older stems in the spring,
but be careful to not remove too many of the fruiting stems as they will
need at least a year to re-grow and produce fruit.
The glorious and culturally historic fig tree
The fig tree is a common addition to any Italian
garden because it is one of the easiest fruit trees to grow. Figs are a
fruit that resembles a light green plum on the tree, with a pink tender
flesh on the inside. When dried out, figs become silver dollar-sized and
soft, ranging in color from tan to purple. They have a sweet, tart
flavor and are often incorporated with cheese and wine dishes, salads,
eaten raw or used as an ingredient in sauces. When figs flourish in the
wild, they grow on rocky hillsides to absorb full sunshine. When growing
at home, fig tress will thrive in any area with full sun and require
little maintenance or pruning. There aren't many truly cold hardy fig
trees for northern gardeners. So I've planted a few of the hardiest
dwarf varieties in big pots, and plan to house them in a cold indoor
area in my basement once they go dormant until spring. I won't be doing
the traditional wrapping and burying routine. Got no time for that.
Read about Italian
Immigrants and the Fig Tree-->
Read about dwarf potted fig trees and how
to espalier a yard full of dwarf fig and other fruit trees along a fence--->
A cherry tree is a classic tree in
the Italian garden. The best for your Italian garden theme is the
Morello variety. An Italian garden wouldn’t really be complete without
one, but the cherry is a very problematic and slightly difficult tree to
please. The cherry is prone to fungus attack, which enters through
pruning wounds or wind-damaged branches- making pruning the cherry tree
a slightly complicated and frustrating endeavor. All of my cherry
varieties have had one minor problem or another, except for the dwarf weeping
ornamentals and the Lapins dwarf variety of edible cherries (tastes like
Bing) and can grow in a big pot. You don't have to grow the exact
varieties grown in Italy, grow what will survive and reward you with
lots of sweet fruit with little headache.
Olive are an important tree in Italy, particularly
for olive oil production that dates back to 7th century B.C. Italy
is the second largest olive producer in the entire world, Olive trees
can grow in fields for miles, with colors ranging from black to green to
pink. My ancestors had farms and olive tree groves. Besides olive oil production, olives are used often in
cooking--mashed into tapenades or with pate, eaten raw, added to sauces,
pizzas, popped into your martini, in salads,
sauces or grilled on skewers with meat or other vegetables. And yes, you
can grow dwarf olive trees in a pot.
The Arbequina Olive Tree is fast-growing, early
flowering, and grows high quality olives. Arbequina Olive Trees are adaptable to a
wide variety of soil types and conditions. They bloom fragrant blossoms
that produce a heavy harvest of fruit. The Arbequina Olive Tree can be
grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8 to 10, and in a pot in Zones 4 to 7.

Arbequina Olive Trees grow to a height of 15 feet, can
be pruned shorter, and can tolerate temperatures as low as 20 degrees F
(that zone hardiness mentioned doesn't jive with 20 degree lows for zone
4) Therefore i call bring them in for the winter. They do best in well
drained soil and full sun. Since the trees are small, you can grow one
in a smaller garden or even in a container on a patio or deck. These are
drought tolerant and not bothered much by insects.
The most cold-hardy include: Arbequina, Ascolana,
Mission and Sevillano. But you can grow any variety of dwarf olive if
you grow in big pots and over-winter them indoors.
Italian Plum Trees
Italian plums are a sweet, oblong fruit. This
tree is perfect for home-growers in the United States because Italian
plums are rare finds in supermarkets, so a tree of your own will give
you a steady source of these seasonal fruit. Italian plums, are
also called Italian prune plums. They look much different than the
commonly available plums. Italian plums are about the size of a
large strawberry, and they have an oblong shape. Perfect for grabbing
and popping into your mouth while you relax in the garden. Removing the
pit is fairly easy because they are have a freestone pit, meaning that
the pit pops right out cleanly, without fibrous bits that hold some pits
to the fruit. They look very attractive on a fruit and cheese plate
because they're not all runny and chewed-up looking when the pits are
removed. These plums are known for their sweet flavor that becomes
sweeter with baking. Their firm skin helps them hold up well when
baked into desserts or preserved in spirits, like brandy.

I grew up in an Italian neighborhood, and these are
the plums i remember offered on fruit-seller pushcarts and in the many
indoor/outdoor fruit stands gracing the street corners in Bensonhurst,
Brooklyn. . That plum was the most commonly offered, although sometimes
there were red plums offered in small quantities. Plum trees grew in the
gardens along with the figs. I liked it best because it wasn't so messy
when you ate it, and it had a nice texture for cooking, pitting and
turning them into prunes, and for making preserves and
"drunken" fruit. Although the sweet, juicy red plums were my
secret favorite, when no one could see the juice dribbling. It is cold
hardy in this area, and I am growing my first dwarf tree in a pot. It
seems to be a fast-growing and no-maintenance addition. I cannot find
these in grocery stores, so I'm growing my own. It's self-pollinating.
These plums are famous for their baking uses in
Germany and in the Pennsylvania Dutch culture, particularly in cakes,
dumplings and desserts. You can dry your Italian plums into prunes
using a food dehydrator, or using the dehydrator function on your air
fryer, if it has one. I like to just eat the prunes plain, but you can
later use them in baked cakes, pastries, or in trail mixes, stewed, or
as sweet salad toppings. Grandma used to give us a super-sweet Prune
Butter spread on soft white bread for a snack treat, and the spread was
called "Lekvar" in Slavic cultures. Prunes made from Italian
plums don't taste like the prunes you buy in the supermarket. It tastes
delicious, but it's not a common commercial prune. Many ethnic pastries
contain prunes, so dry up a few batches for prune danish and other
Alton Brown has written a wonderful recipe for
delicious Sugar Plums for the Christmas holiday. The recipe includes
dried figs and apricots, and I just so happen to be growing those in my
can grab the recipe here.
These plums grow in hardiness zones 5-9. They are
the most cold-hardy of the European plum types. You will
know when they are ripe, because they will just drop to the ground.
Sounds good to me. No climbing, reaching, squeezing or yanking. One good
shake every day when ripening, or just waiting for them to fall, will
deliver these ripe goodies without guesswork.
Of course, a grapevine is a great addition, and it
adds architectural value to your Italian Fruit Orchard. Italy has over
two million acres of grape vineyards running along coastlines and
mountains, the third largest in the world, according to the Wine
Institute. Grapes are grown in almost every single region of the
country, and dozens of varieties are produced. Besides wine, grapes are
eaten as fresh fruit, and with cheese platters, and incorporated into
desserts, juice and sauces. You can grow these beauties on garden
arches, arbors and pergolas. They also make awesome espaliers. There are
several cold hardy varieties available for northern gardeners. And
pruned-off twigs make a lot of really neat garden decorations. You can
even save and use the discarded vines woven into free-standing arbors
for roses or wisteria to grow on.
Learn how to espalier grapevines and fruit
trees here.
sources for this article
Various articles in wikipedia
My family history
fast-growing trees
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