Here are many of the plants and flowers associated with Mary, that would look beautiful in your Mary Garden. 
Most of them are also quite fragrant.


USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Maps -  choose your state, then choose plants that thrive in your hardiness zone. 
Those plants that don't, can be treated as annuals in cold climates, and replaced each spring.

Irises - Zones 3-8


Columbine - Zones 3-9

Lily Of The Valley -Zones 3-9
Fragrant Early Bloomer

Marigold (Mary-Gold)

Madonna Lilies
Fragrant Early Summer Bloomer
Zones 3-8

Violets (violas, pansies)
Zones 3-9

Lavender - Zones 5-9

Roses - 100's of  varieties....
Pick one that's thornless
The Virgin is known as the “mystic rose’ or the “rose without thorns.” 

Morning Glories
Zones 3-10

Rose of Sharon
Zones 5-8

Zones 2-10



Cornflower (Bachelor Button)
Zones 2-11



Sweet Alyssum
Zones 5-9

Zones 3-11

Zones 3-10

Rosemary - Roman Beauty
Zones 6-10


My Madonna and The Lilies. 

Plant white Madonna Lilies, and Casa Blanca Lilies

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