Here is a garden plan for creating a delicious and  holistic medicinal garden for your dog that does double duty as a medicinal and culinary garden for pet families. An ornamental garden that contains herbs that are good for you, as well as good for your canine family member.

Herb listed are those that were deemed safe for ingestion, but I do not suggest dosages.
The popular lists of plants toxic to dogs does not allow for low-dosage use, which may be perfectly safe as part of their diets.
Safe herbs for one dog may not be appropriate for another.
Recipes will be posted later for treats are natural, healthy, and do not contain toxic ingredients.
They are snacks, and not meant to be a large part of your dog's diet.
Do not feed them to animals with allergies, and consult with your vet to ascertain what your dog may be allergic to.
A holistic vet would be the best person to guide you in holistic diets.

Information provided is sourced from holistic veterinarian articles and statements of holistic veterinary practitioners. It is for information only - we are not doctors or veterinarians, and we do not suggest you treat your furry friend without a veterinarian's advice and approval. Do not use this info to treat dogs who are pregnant or sick.

Follow a veterinarian’s directions and precautions carefully when adding herbs and spices to your dog’s diet. Stop using an herb if you notice any changes in your dog’s behavior or any gastrointestinal symptoms develop.

What To Plant
Always check the USDA Plant Hardiness Maps in choosing what to grow in your gardens

Plants not hardy in your area will probably enjoy spending winters indoors, in a sunny spot or under grow lights until they can vacation outdoors again. And you will have herbs for your culinary specialties ready to be snipped fresh when you need it. So go ahead and plant them!

It's easy to begin a design for an herbal culinary and medicinal garden for your dog that's a treat to a dog parent's eyes and senses, as well.
Many herbs listed are good for humans, too.
Your entire family can take advantage of these wellness-enhancing and illness-prevention herb, seasonings and spices. The fragrances of herbs are also beneficial in a healing, sensory or serenity garden.

Herb plants are beautiful and fragrant. Plant some in-ground, and definitely plant some in pots and place them in several places in your healing garden. Pots keep them looking the way you want them to, and allows you to change up your garden design by just moving them around or clustering. And you can grow non-hardy plants and bring them in to live on your windowsill in winter.
My favorite types of planters in all sizes for herbs are real clay or cement pots. Look-alikes in resin are fine, but I like the feel of natural stone and clay. They add a rustic and natural touch. They come in all sizes, and a very pretty type that is a shallow bowl meant for planting succulents and tiered planters can be filled with herbs to add height to the garden. Combine shallow and tall, short and wide, rows of small pots on sills or atop walls.... there's no limit to your design capabilities.

Make use of elevated raised bed gardens to keep nocturnal marauders like rabbits, raccoons  and others varmints away from the bounty.
They can be combined with the clay pots in your design, to add height and usable space beneath.

An herbal garden is naturally filled with a lot of shades of green. Many fruit or flower. Include perennials and dwarf shrubs for pops of color all season that delight the eye, and provide aromatherapy. Low-growing, ground cover herbs like lemon thyme, are meant to be stepped on to release their fragrance along paths and between stones, as well as being a wonderful culinary herb.

Plants listed are for both dog-friendly, and ornamental, fragrant plants that can be just for your enjoyment, for healing and for cooking.
Dogs might enjoy the aromatherapy from the garden, as well. Their noses are quite sensitive to aromas. Grow this as a canine medicinal herb garden, or combine it with your culinary and medicinal herb gardens.

All of the herbs in the article are favorites of humans for culinary and medicinal use, and therefore, they should be planted in your herb or medicinal garden whether you feed them to your pet or not.
If you're planning this type of garden, plant it in an area that your dog has no access to on its own. You don't want them romping through it or grazing, and you don't want them ingesting herbs unsupervised. The idea is what to grow in a medicinal herb garden that is good for dogs once picked fresh or dried.

Milk Thistle

This is a very pretty ornamental plant in any style of garden. Popular among holistic veterinarians, it scavenges free radicals and can stabilize liver cell membranes, while stimulating. Milk Thistle stimulates the production of new liver cells. It is used in both pets and humans. Extensive studies and testing have determined that milk thistle is safe in treating liver disease and kidney disease. It is considered safe, and has no known drug interactions.


Ginger Root

Use caution and under the advice of a veterinarian. It should not be fed to a pregnant dog, or a dog with gastric problems. 
Ginger should used carefully and sparingly. This herb aids humans in nausea, gas, motion sickness, heart problems, and it reduces joint inflammation of an arthritic dog. 
My senior dog does well with it, and enjoys a little powdered ginger sprinkled onto her food.

My dog just loves turmeric sprinkled onto, or cooked into her food.
Turmeric has a peppery and bitter flavor. Turmeric rhizomes provide the main ingredient in curry powder.
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, and veterinarians consider it safe for dogs. 
Veterinarians recommend adding up to ¼ teaspoon a day to a dog's food. 
Turmeric fights progression of arthritis, and eases pain in arthritic dogs.
Another pretty, ornamental plant for the herb garden. 
Ground flaxseed has proven to work significantly in canine heart health.  
I sprinkle flaxseed into my smoothies. It's a natural source of fiber and antioxidants, and might have a positive effect on tumors. Flaxseed is full of Omega-3 fatty acid and B vitamins. I sprinkle the seed on my dog's food. It's said to improve a dog’s coat, and helps the digestive system.

Basil has antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties.
I serve it fresh or dried, cooked into my dog's homemade meals,
or just chopped and sprinkled on her dinner.

A digestive aid, it helps in weight control by helping to control the appetite. 
I love it because it tastes like licorice. 
Fresh "Finocchio" is commonplace on many Italian antipasto plates, and the seed is an ingredient in sausage-making.
Its fine, ferny leaves are ornamental in the herb garden.
Aloe Vera
A natural and common additive in dog treats, foods and other pet products.

Aloe Vera contains amino acids, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium. Commonly used as an anti-inflammatory, for burn- and wound-healing. It's been deemed a safe and very effective healing herb and antioxidant for humans and canines.


Peppermint, when used along with ginger, helps to relieve motion sickness in pets.

Peppermint has a soothing effect on an upset stomach. It works on respiratory infection, viral infection, skin conditions, relieves flatulence and indigestions.  Peppermint can provide relief of several digestive ailments, including nausea and indigestion. 
It is a well-known and often-used ingredient in herbal teas and cocktails. So grow some for you. There are several types of mint - grow peppermint for your medicinal herb use. It's perennial and invasive, as all mints are, so grow in a confined area or in pots. They love a sunny windowsill, so you can bring some in for the winter and pinch it when needed.


An evergreen, fragrant and perennial herb that is a human culinary favorite.
High in fiber and loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Rosemary is also an anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal. 


Whether curly leaf or flat leaf parsley, it is a popular and common culinary herb, and is helpful in  holistic medicine. Parsley leaves are full of  Vitamin C, carotene, iron and calcium. This herb can stimulate the kidneys and filter out toxins, which increase urine output. It eliminates "doggie breath". Parsley has a long history of use with dogs.
Note: "Spring Parsley" resembles parsley and is toxic to dogs, do not feed it to them. It is a member of the carrot family.

Yes, i know it's listed on the ASPCA list as toxic to dogs. 
But I also saw dozens of bits of research and veterinarian comments that state that it's completely safe in small doses. You and your vet can decide. Choose wisely. 
I grow it as a culinary herb for myself anyway. It's invaluable in my Italian and Greek culinary endeavors. There are several different types. It is very pretty, fragrant and perennial.
I feed it to my dog either as an ingredient in her home cooked food, or sprinkled on it.
Oregano is high in antioxidants and flavonoids and is reported to be antimicrobial. This herb has been used to help with digestive problems, diarrhea, and gas.

Thyme contains Vitamins K, iron, calcium, manganese, fiber and phytochemicals.
There are several varieties of thyme. I grow the ground-hugging variety, and I grow the larger plants in elevated raised planters with other culinary herbs. 
My favorite is lemon thyme. It can be made into teas, and is popular in cooking poultry, fish, soups, stews and veggie dishes. 
It’s a good herb for the skin, respiratory system and brain function. It is usually used dry and sprinkled onto your dog's food. Thyme is a hardy perennial.

Fruits and Veggies To Grow For Your Dog

Growing dwarf versions of fruit trees and shrubs is easy. Especially if you grow them in pots or in elevated raised garden beds. This makes them easy to tend and pots are portableand moveable. You can grow small trees with fruit as big as standard fruit trees. If you have room in your unheated garage or basement, the non-hardy and tropical varieties can over-winter indoors. Plant them in big pots, and be sure not to make them heavier than you can easily drag, wheel or carry indoors. You and your dog can enjoy dried or fresh fruit together, fresh or right off the plant. Put the trees back outside in spring. I do this with my lemon, lime and fig trees, and it works beautifully.

Many Fruits and veggies for a dog's medicinal garden can be dried in a dehydrator or slow oven or frozen in slices. Don't add sugar or spices, except for those listed above.
These can be added to a diet fresh from a plant, frozen and thawed, or dried without sugar. Spices from the above list can be added. My dog loves dried fruit. She recently got a taste of dried kiwi and dried watermelon slices, and they're now near the top of her favorites list.

Cranberries - My dog's all-time favorite dried fruit, and she's been given this treat dried or jellied, or a small handful of dried mixed into her food for more than a decade. Cranberries are good for kidney health. I give her a few slices of jellied cranberry with no additives in her food every now and then.
Dried Strawberry, watermelon, blackberries, raspberries, figs and dates.



Beets - My dog loves sweet (non-fermented) cooked beets. Sliced or diced is convenient to add to her meals. If I buy it in a can, I get the beet juice, which is very good for your health. "And it's tasty, too!"

- Mashed and mixed into a meal.

Spinach -
My dog likes it cooked and part of any meal.

Kale - I sneak it into her food because it's good for her, but she always picks it out unless it has condiments added to it. I chop it finely, and mix it raw into her food. She likes it cooked best, mixed into anything. I'll occasionally give her roasted and unsalted kale, sprayed with olive oil.

Sweet potatoes - Probably every dog's favorite. If you can grow it, you can save space by planting them in those potato "grow bags" that have a flap in the front, so that you save space and have easy access. They are easy to grow.

You can grow very pretty dwarf, non-vining pumpkin plants in big pots and have enough for you and your dog, and they're very ornamental when in bush form. I grow white mini pumpkins called "Casperita".

Pumpkin and it's seeds are a natural source of unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins C, D, E, K and most B Vitamins.

It's a natural dewormer, and it soothes itchy skin. I scoop out raw seeds, and use 1 tsp. of the ground seeds sprinkled into her food. I also include it in her special meatloaf mix.
I cook pureed pumpkin into my dog's weekly batches of crockpot meals, and she loves it as much as sweet potatoes. Pumpkin seeds are sprinkled on to her food now and then. If I don't eat all of them. I grew mini pumpkins, and we both feasted on the sweeter little pumpkins and the roasted seeds, after the little punkins are done decorating my autumn tables. I grind the cooked seeds for her and sprinkle it on her food. Or I get organic, unsalted shelled seeds when they're on sale at Whole Foods.

Enjoy creating a beautiful herbal and ornamental garden for your dog, and combine it with a culinary/medicinal garden for yourself. It's good for your health, wellness and serenity, and it smells wonderful, too.

Article ©2022 Mary's Bloomers
All rights reserved.

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