This design plan is
excellent for beginner gardeners, and those who love a garden filled
with plants, focusing on one main favorite color.
A beautiful combination
of whites for a pure and restful atmosphere. Single color gardens aren't
boring - there are so many varieties of white flowering plants, and
plants with white variegations of foliage, your garden can be serene and
romantic. To see a design for Moonlight Gardens, featuring fragrant
whites and pale colors, visit this page.
You can plant some white blooms that release sweet fragrances after
dusk. Plant some night-scented plants around a terrace or patio, near a
seating area, near an open window, or along a path.
Key and Plants
- Includes my personal
favorite alternatives
Perennial choices
are best for any garden, especially for busy gardeners and beginners.
A. White Hollyhock
Perennial. White, double blooms in mid to late summer
Size 5 to 7 ft. tall, 1 to 2 ft. wide
Hardiness Cold-hardy in USDA zones 2 to 10
Number to plant - 6
B. White Dahlia
- Not hardy. Bulbs must be lifted before frost
Number to plant - 4
My choice as an
alternative plant
White Casa Blanca Lilies
2-3 ft.
Number to Plant - 6
C. Tuberose
Clear white flowers in summer
Needs a long growing season and heat
Size 24 to 36 in. tall
Hardiness Cold-hardy in USDA zones 7 to 10
Plant 40
My choice as an
alternative plant:
Perennial White Gladiola
Plant 40 close together. Stake when needed. Pretty and more stable if
planted in tall pots.
D. Night Phlox
Maroon buds that open to small white flowers in the evening in summer
Plant 14
My alternative
Evening Primrose
White or pale pink
Winter hardy, spreading perennial grows 10-24 inches tall.
These plants spread a little, so plant about 10 instead of the 14
recommended for phlox. They're not invasive, but if it spreads beyond your
plan, transplant some into pretty pots and disperse around the landscape
and on the patio. Very pretty and fragrant. Best plan is to grow these in
pots to begin with.
Plant 10
E. Bunny’s tail grass (Lagurus ovatus)
Small, white fuzzy plumes in the summer and fall
Size 12 to 24 in. tall, 12 to 18 in. wide
Plant 10
My alternative
Any perennial dwarf ornamental grass - with white
or pale pink plumes, that matures under 24 inches tall and 20 inches
Plant 10
F. Oriental lily ‘Casa
3-4 ft. tall
This plant is just perfect in a white garden. Their fragrance is
stronger at night. If you planted them instead of the tuberoses, as
mentioned above, and wish to plant a different white type, try
white Madonna Lilies.
Both are stunning in a group, with fragrant and long-lasting
2 plantings of Casa Blanca is beautiful, too. Both lilies are gorgeous
and fragrant in a vase. You can grow both types in one spot on the plan,
just plant half and half.
Plant 12
G. Deodar cedar (Cedrus
deodara ‘Feelin’ Blue’) Shrub
Size 4 to 5 ft. tall, 6 to 10 ft. wide
The deodar cedar grows slowly, and more out than up. If
you prefer more height, your nursery may sell this shrub as an
already-trained patio tree, or they may carry similar dwarf cedars with
the silvery-blue foliage. Place the tree in a pretty pot. This would
be a lovely focal point or accent in this white garden.
Silver-blue foliage year-round.
Hardiness Cold-hardy in USDA zones 6 to 9
Number to plant - 1
More to consider.....
Plant clusters of Lily of The Valley bulbs for an incredible scent
day or night. They're small plants, so they can fit in anywhere. If you
don't have room in the garden, they love being potted - so spread the
springtime love.
White annuals along with these
perennials - in gaps around plants, in pots as accents around the
perimeter and middle, or under the cedar shrub. Potted white petunias
and geraniums are a knockout in the white garden.
here to download a free .pdf of this White Garden Design
Design - Pretty in Pinks --->
original layout:
Garden Gate Magazine
Adaptation and alternate plant list:
Design, graphics,
articles and
photos ©2020™
All rights reserved.